[comp.music] Jazz Music "composed" with

rmf@fctunl.rccn.pt (Rui Manuel Falcao) (06/08/90)

We are at the beginning of a project on inteligent composition.
The project consists of a Prolog rule based system with a C interface.

We would like to know what has been done on this subject, namely on
typical pattern  analysis and generation, improvisation and all around

thanks in advance for your contribution.
Rui Manuel Falcao & Joaquim Franco  BITNET/Internet: rmf@fctunl.rccn.pt
 +---------------------------------+             UUCP: rmf@unl.uucp
 |   Departamento de Informatica   +----------------------------------+
 |   Universidade Nova de Lisboa      2825 Monte Caparica, PORTUGAL   |