jk87377@korppi.tut.fi (Kouhia Juhana Krister) (06/30/90)
Hi, Here is some articles I have and I think that they are useful when making own digital audio signal processing program. I would like to see them more, so, if somebody has additions or corrections to this list, please post or Email. What format I should use for keeping them in order? If any? (Now this list is a quite mess.) I have found a really good reference lists of computer graphics, but I haven't seen any of computer music. Is there any exists? Juhana Kouhia jk87377@tut.fi Articles: --------- AES = Journal of the Audio Engineering Society James A. Moorer The use of the phase vocoder in computer music applications AES, 1978 January/February James A. Moorer The manifold joys of conformal mapping: Applications to digital filtering in the studio AES, 1983 November James A. Moorer Mark Berger Linear-phase bandsplitting: Theory and applications AES, 1986 March James A. Moorer Curtis Abbott Peter Nye Jeffrey Borish John Snell The digital audio processing station: A new concept in audio postproduction AES, 1986 June Marie-Helene Serra Dean Rubine Roger Dannenberg Analysis and synthesis of tones by spectral interpolation AES, 1990 March John Strawn Analysis and synthesis of musical transitions using the discrete short-time Fourier transform AES, 1987 January/February John Strawn Editing time-varying spectra AES, 1987 May Books: ------ Foundations of computer music Ed. Curtis Roads John Strawn Includes: Richard Cann An analysis/synthesis tutorial James A. Moorer About this reverberation business Digital audio signal processing: An anthology Ed. John Strawn ISBN 0-86576-082-9 Index: F. R. Moore An introduction to the mathematics of digital signal processing J. O. Smith An introduction to digital filter theory T. L. Petersen Spiral synthesis J. A. Moorer Signal processing aspects of computer music: A survey J. W. Gordon J. Strawn An introduction to the phase vocoder ----