[comp.music] Help - identify Italian musician

jg35+@andrew.cmu.edu (Janine Giarrusso) (08/07/90)

I am posting this message to several b.boards in hope that someone
may be able to identify an Italian musician & where I might be able
to buy his tape:

The name of the musician is Andrea Piazzara or Piazzaro (maybe entirely
different, but definitely started with the letter 'p').  He plays a
wooden harp-like string instrument - the style is classical/new age,
some of the compositions are original & some are classical, one was
a performance of a Bach piece.
I think the entire tape I had was a solo recording - & just the one
instrument.  The title song & name of the tape is the name of a place
in Nepal (I think that name began with the letter 't').
I realize that this is all very vague, but I heard this man play
in person, bought the tape directly from him, and it was stolen the
next day.

I don't think he's ever played in the U.S., but I could be wrong.

If anyone can clarify the musician's name, the name of the tape,
or has any idea where I could call or write to buy another one,
I would really appreciate it.

e-mail to jg35@andrew.cmu.edu

diana@hpscdc.scd.hp.com (Diana Robba) (08/11/90)

iTry the Italian embassy
Diana Robba 408-553-2593, Santa Clara Library