[comp.music] Basic COMP.MUSIC for c64

hicksm@astro.as.arizona.edu (Michael Hicks) (12/03/90)


	Howdy,  Comp.music fans:

	I was able to find a old and cheap '64 via the net in order
	to fiddle around with computer generated music.   This 
	morning I implimented my first experiment in deterministic,
	yet chaotic note generation.   Here it is:

		10 S=54272: FOR SW = S TO S+24: POKE SW,0: NEXT SW
		20 POKE S+24,15
		30 POKE S+2,255
		40 POKE S+3,0
		50 POKE S+5,9
		60 POKE S+6,0
		70 N11=1.03: N21=0.96: DR1=0.50
		80 N12=24+6*SIN(N11)
		90 N22=174+70*COS(N21)
		100 DR2=375+125*SIN(DR1)
		110 N11=N12: N21=N22: DR1=DR2
		120 POKE S+1,N12: POKE S,N22
		130 POKE S+4,17
		140 FOR Z=1 TO DR2: NEXT Z
		150 POKE S+4,64
		160 FOR T=1 TO 5: NEXT T
		170 GOTO 80

	If you wish to run this program,  feel free to manipulate
	the initial conditions found in line 70,  as well as the
	values of the constants and the coefficients for the 
	equations in lines 80, 90, and 100.

	I invite you to take a listen.   

					-Michael Hicks