[comp.music] MIDI Programming Book

butch@fergvax.unl.edu (FERGVAX Daily Operator) (01/22/91)

Hello all,

    I was wondering if any of you had a suggestion or knew of any
books on programming MIDI software.  I remember seeing a book about
6 months back in the local B. Dalton's, but it has since been sold
and I don't remember the title or author (I think it was "MIDI
Programming in C" or something like that).

    Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

    Butch Rosecrans

scott@bbxsda.UUCP (Scott Amspoker) (01/22/91)

In article <butch.664521570@fergvax> butch@fergvax.unl.edu (FERGVAX Daily Operator) writes:
>Hello all,
>    I was wondering if any of you had a suggestion or knew of any
>books on programming MIDI software.  I remember seeing a book about
>6 months back in the local B. Dalton's, but it has since been sold
>and I don't remember the title or author (I think it was "MIDI
>Programming in C" or something like that).
>    Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

The book is called "C Programming for MIDI" by Jim Conger.  If you
already know C, this book could help you apply your C knowledge to
MIDI applications.  If you don't know C, this book might permanately
ruin your future chances of learning C.  For example, the author's
method of traversing a linked list is to use recursion.

Scott Amspoker                       | 
Basis International, Albuquerque, NM |     This space available
(505) 345-5232                       | 
unmvax.cs.unm.edu!bbx!bbxsda!scott   |

6600bori@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Boris Burtin) (01/23/91)

In article <butch.664521570@fergvax> butch@fergvax.unl.edu (FERGVAX Daily Operator) writes:

>    I was wondering if any of you had a suggestion or knew of any
>books on programming MIDI software.  I remember seeing a book about

I have a copy of Jim Conger's MIDI PROGRAMMING IN C and MIDI SEQUENCING IN
C.  I have not seen any other books out on the subject, but personally I
think that these two books are excellent.  They are written to help you not
only write code that accesses your interface, but to also improve your
general application writing style.  Both books are very informative and
helpful.  Definitely worth the price.

	- Boris Burtin