[comp.music] Transoniq Hacker Magazine

rost@aqua.enet.dec.com (BRost) (02/06/91)

I have gotten mail from a number of people asking for info on the Transonioq
Hacker magazine.  This is a monthly magazine covering Ensoniq products only. 
It is *not* published by Ensoniq, however, so the editorial policy is pretty
unbiased.  Current coverage is heavily towrads the VFX and EPS boards, but
some Mirage and ESQ-1 coverage continues.  The articles are mostly technical,
there is almost no *music* coverage.  The letters page includes responses from
Ensoniq customer service for all technical problems.  Classified ads are free
for subscribers.  There are patches published every issue for both ESQ and VFX
class synths.

Subscriptions in the US are $18 for the first year, $23 a year after that.  For
subscribers outside the US, subs are $30, payable in US funds.

		Transoniq Hacker
		1402 SW Upland Drive
		Portland, OR 97221

		Phone: 503-227-6848

					Brian Rost @aqua.dec.com


	*						   *
	*  The above does not reflect the opinions of	   *
	*  my employer.					   *
	*						   *
	*  If music is outlawed, only outlaws will be      *	   
	*  musicians.					   *
	*						   *