wgbh@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (WGBH-TV ) (02/22/91)
WANTED: A person who uses a desktop computer in a way that is integral to his or her work. We're thinking, for example, about someone who is an architect with terrific ideas, but can't draw. Without a computer, someone like that is excluded from the profession. The computer not only opens up the profession to this person, but allows him or her to be more creative, by experimenting easily with ideas at low cost. We are open to any profession anywhere in the United States; a machine-shop worker; a philosopher; a car salesman; a farmer, etcetera. QUALITIES: Gregarious, well-spoken, friendly, easy-going, credible, willing to put up with a camera crew for an entire day without getting bent out of shape. WHY: We are trying to prove to the uninitiated, to the people who have never worked with a computer, that it can be a tool that empowers people to work in exciting ways that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. This person has to be very convincing on that score. WHO WE ARE: WGBH and the BBC are co-producing a six-part series on the history and impact of the computer. The series will air on PBS here, the BBC in England, and NDR in West Germany next October. Please send responses to : wgbh@media-lab.media.mit.edu subject heading "user search." Thanks!