[comp.music] Intervals in a song

quayster@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Tony Chung) (04/01/91)

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( w )-Carrot?
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Hello!  A long while back someone asked about hearing intervals.  This
list is far from complete.  Other people may have different songs that
are easier for them.  You'll also notice I left a whole bunch of blanks.
I tried to find stuff for the TT going DOWN, and the major 7ths, but
still they elude me.  I guess what I'd do in these instances is write a
song using those intervals as the starting line!
Without that ado crap, here's a little bit of what I use when my ears
just won't work for me:
Interval        up                        down
minor 2nd       Jaws                      Second-Hand Rose
                ("DUH DUNT...)            ("SE-COND HAND ROSE...")
major 2nd       Oh Susanna                The First Noel
                ("WELL I COME from...")   ("THE-UH FIRST...")
minor 3rd       O Canada                  Star Spangled Banner
                ("O CAN-ada")             ("OH-OH say...")
major 3rd       Michael Row Your          Giant Steps
                Boat Ashore               ("LIFE WHEN we were...")
                ("MI-CHAEL row...")
perfect 4th     Someday My Prince         All Of Me
                Will Come                 ("ALL OF me...")
                ("SOME-DAY my...")
tritone         Maria (west side story)
		("MA-RI-a, I just met...")                                        
perfect 5th     Imperial margerine        For Your Eyes Only
                (royal theme              ("For your eyes ON-LY")
                 "DUNT-da da-DAH")
                My Favourite Things
                ("RAIN-DROPS on roses...")
minor 6th       Black Orpheus             Where Do I Begin
                ("I'LL SING to the        ("WHERE DO I begin...")
                 sun in the sky...")
major 6th       My Bonny Lies Over        All Blues (Miles Davis)
                The Ocean                 ("The SEA, THE sky")
                ("MY BON-ny lies...")
                or the NBC jingle,
                (take your pick)
minor 7th       There's A Place For Us
                ("THERE'S A place...")
major 7th
perfect octave  Alice In Wonderland
                ("A-LICE in Wonderland")
                Somewhere Over the Rainbow
                ("SOME-WHERE over ...")

        "If you drive, don't drink."                    -- Tony Chung
        quayster@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca      quayster@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca