v097pba8@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Ken F Morton) (04/25/91)
Hi! I just realized that MAX is *exactly* what I need to do all the silly things I dream up for MIDI. I'm going to buy a mac just for it! Now, that may seem extreme, and it is. But I think it will be worth it, and from all I've heard (and seen) about it, it is. I'm considering a Mac LC. Is this acceptable? A classic I think would not be quite good enough for all the real-time events I think I'd use. Money-wise the LC is right too (just barely!). I'd appreciate your comments, and if anyone actaully has MAX running on an LC I'd love to hear about it. Thanks alot.... Ken Morton "A vacant engineer rides on a v097pba8@ubvms.Bitnet train of thought that will not v097pba8@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu lead him home" - Edie Brickell