music-research@HPLPM.HPL.HP.COM (05/21/91)
Music-Research Digest Mon, 20 May 91 Volume 6 : Issue 21
Today's Topics:
Ethnomusicology and Electronic Distribution
MuTex sites??
Workshop announcement
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Date: Fri, 17 May 91 12:47:24 EDT
Subject: Ethnomusicology and Electronic Distribution
To: Multiple recipients of <ETHMUS-L@EARN.UMDD>
[ I have reprinted an extract from a recent issue of the Ethnomusicology
Research Digest here, because its subject (recent debates in the Society
for Ethnomusicology) might interest some of our readers. - S ]
In view of the ongoing debate (see recent ERDs for further information)
about how far the SEM will go in sanctioning the electronic network and
using it as a tool for its own purposes, it may interest members of
EthnoFORUM to know what I recommended to the Board in my report titled
"Ethnomusicology and the Electronic Medium". I list just the
recommendations below:
1. The SEM Newsletter should be distributed by electronic mail.
2. SEM should endorse and adopt the current bibliography already available
at Middlebury College as its own official bibliography, and furthermore
should consider expanding it.
3. An up-to-date membership list for SEM should be available online.
4. SEM should promote the distribution of information pertaining to
undergraduate and graduate programs in ethnomusicology.
5. An electronic journal option should not be considered at this stage.
Instead, more experimentation with the electronic medium is recommended,
starting perhaps with the distribution of abstracts of articles appearing in
the journal "Ethnomusicology".
6. An "electronic" membership category for SEM should not be considered at
this stage.
7. An SEM electronic communication committee should be set up to advise
the Board on the implementation of any recommendations it may deem
appropriate. Such a committee should monitor forthcoming editions of the
bulletin to assess its development, and should consider carefully the
suggestion that an alternative electronic journal be created -- a journal in
its own right: one that does not duplicate materials published elsewhere in
the ethnomusicological literature.
Rather than list the full discussion behind these points here, I suggest
instead that those interested in reading the report in its entirety should
acquire it from listserv. [KIPPEN REPORT]
I suppose as dedicated network users we are all a bit miffed at the apparent
rebuttal by the Board of most of these recommendations. (I am assured by
"highly-placed sources" that the mood of the Board was more positive than
their decisions suggest.) However, we perhaps ought to remind ourselves
that most members of SEM are still unfamiliar with the electronic medium
and do not yet understand its advantages. There will inevitably be many
other problems, particularly with the electronic publication of articles
from "Ethnomusicology"; that's why I made alternative suggestions, hoping
to draw in new subscribers to the network and promote more discussion.
SEM no doubt has some valid objections, but in my opinion rather than
simply *confront* them we need to work this out *with* them. To this end
I invite you all to respond publicly on this network (or privately to me
directly, if you feel that's more appropriate) so that we can put together the
best possible arguments for the expansion of SEM into the electronic world.
My last invitation to a debate in EthnoFORUM was met with near silence, so
let's not allow that to happen again.
I am now chairing a committee that will meet in Chicago to put together
further arguments/recommendations to the Board. Your ideas and advice
will be invaluable in persuading those in charge of our discipline to move
with us into the 21st century.
Like you I guess I am eagerly awaiting Mark Slobin's letter to the network.
Jim Kippen
To receive Kippen's report to the SEM Board, send the text message
to LISTSERV@UMDD or to LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU, whichever works for
Date: 19 May 91 14:35:08 GMT
From: (Piet van Oostrum)
Subject: MuTex sites??
To: music-research@prg
Message-ID: <>
>>>>> (Rolf Georg Eberhardt) (RGE) writes:
RGE> I've heard of a library for TeX which does simple music printing.
RGE> Am I talking of MuTex ? If yes, where can I ftp'it from ?
RGE> Are there any alternatives (need it only for _simple_ printing
RGE> as part of a report).
MuTeX is a more or less standalone package. I guess you can use it within
other TeX stuff, but I assume you might have troubles if you use LaTeX.
Anyway, here is how to get it:
How to get MuTeX.tar.Z and MuTeXfonts.tar.Z from the archive at
Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University:
NOTE: In the following I have assumed your mail address is
Of course you must substitute your own address for this. This should be
a valid internet or uucp address. For bitnet users name@host.BITNET
usually works.
by FTP: (please restrict access to weekends or evening/night (i.e. between
about 20.00 and 0900 UTC).
ftp []
user name: anonymous or ftp
password: your own email address (e.g.
cd /pub
don't forget to set binary mode if the file is a tar/arc/zoo archive,
compressed or in any other way contains binary data.
get TEX/MuTeX.tar.Z
get TEX/MuTeXfonts.tar.Z
by mail-server:
send the following message to (or uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!mail-server):
send TEX/MuTeX.tar.Z
send TEX/MuTeXfonts.tar.Z
The path command can be deleted if we receive a valid from address in your
message. If this is the first time you use our mail server, we suggest you
first issue the request:
send HELP
Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet
Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: (*`Pete')
Date: Mon, 20 May 91 16:37:07 MET
From: Leonello Tarabella <MUSIC5@IT.CNR.CNUCE.ICNUCEVM>
Subject: Workshop announcement
Computer Music Dept. of CNUCE/CNR, Pisa
Signal and Image Processing Dept. of IEI/CNR, Pisa
Avanced Robotics Technology and Systems Lab - Scuola S.Anna, Pisa
AIMI (Italian Computer Music Association)
Consorzio Pisa Ricerche
Computer Music, Computer Graphics, Robot Art...
7 - 8 June 1991 - Pisa,Italy
Friday, June 7
12.30 Lunch and Registration
14.15 Welcome and Intro
Prof. Paolo Dario (Scuola S.Anna) and Leonello Tarabella
Session 1 : Special Sensing Devices
Giuseppe Di Giugno, Chair
14.30 Adriano Abbado: The Data Glove
15.00 G.Bertini, P.Carosi: The Light Baton
15.30 Andrew Schloss: The Radio Drum
16.00 Arts Lab group: Infrared-Based MIDI Event generator
16.30 Questions and discussion
Session 2 : Devices and Software
Giovanni De Poli, Chair
17.00 Peter Beyls: Toward self organizing control structure
17.30 Roger Dannenberg: Software Techinques for Interactive
Performance System
18.00 Nicola Bernardini: Musical Instrument for Musical
18.30 Camurri, Giuffidra, Zaccaria: JAM+ An interactive
System for Jazz Improvisation
19.00 Questions and discussion
21.30 Concert 1
Adriano Abbado: Clouds, for Data Glove, video and music int
Leonello Tarabella: Digit Suite, for midi-sax and comp. music int
Yann Orlarey : Voie de sable, for clarinette and interactive devices
Saturday, June 8
Session 3 : Software for Interaction
Roger Dannenberg, Chair
9.00 Mauro Graziani: Real-time performance of Computer
Generated Music & Graphic
9.30 Leonello Tarabella: PascalMusic: an environment for
composition and interaction
10.00 Nick Bailey: The use of phase Vocoder for realtime
control of electronic musical instruments
10.30 Giorgio Buttazzo: VIRC: a Vocal Interface for Robot
11.00 Questions and discussion
Session 4 : Hardware and Performances
Antonio Camurri , Chair
11.30 DeVitis, Pellecchia: FLY30, a system for real-time
sound synthesis and analysis
12.00 Bertini, DelDuca, Marani:Leonard-C25 system for
interactive digital signal processing
12.15 Fabio Biasio: KineRo (Installation)
12.30 Luis Philippe Demers: @FL, Ideas on a Lighting Synthesis
13.00 Questions and discussion
Session 5 : Philosophy
Stephen Travis Pope, Chair
15.00 Leslie Bishko: The problem of animation
15.30 Neil Todd: The communication of self-motion in
musical expression
16.00 Andrew Schloss: The Future of Musical Performance ...
16.30 Stephen Travis Pope: Structure Notation for Musical
21.30 Concert 2
Andrew Schloss: Meconium, for Radio Drum and computer Music int.
Roger Dannenberg: Assuming that you wish to dump data from
module 1
Paolo Carosi: Synapsis, for flute, aboe, english horn, Light-Baton
and computer muisic int.
Info: e.mail:
fax : +39-50-576751 (att. L.Tarabella)
tel : +39-50-593276
End of Music-Research Digest