[comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains] Getting information

robert@ncc.uky.edu (Robert Lee <robert>) (12/05/90)

If I want to get information about what top level domains other
than my local domains to query using DNS. I.e. DN servers higher
up than my domain, say .edu, .com etc.  Is there a place
that list all of the top level domains and their IP numbers
so that I can set my cache appropriately?

It's probably a silly question to ask, I didn't know the
answer when I was thinking about the changes that occur over time.

Also, while I'm spilling characters all over.  Is it worthwhile to
start using bind 4.8.3?  I've read it mentioned that this is out now.

Robert Lee
Comm Serv  
University of Kentucky 
"Yours for a better NS"