unhd (Roger Gonzalez ) (12/16/89)
Best Offer: Zenith Z-100 low profile, 8MHz, 2x360k half height floppies, 768k ram, color, smartwatch chip, all docs ZVM123A Analog Monitor displays shades of green C-Itoh Printer Lousy, no docs, but it works Software Wordstar, Lotus 1-2-3, ZPC, GW-BASIC, MS-FORTRAN, MS-Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Norton Utilities, Multiplan, Programmers Utility Pack, MS-DOS 2.? and 3.1, MASM, CP/M, Assorted PD languages (Lisp, Little Smalltalk, Prolog), lots of shareware (and pirateware), games, utilities, and lots of stuff from the Z-100 archives at Clarkson. Perfect for aspiring hackers, or anyone who doesn't need the latest fancy machines for their limited computing needs (i.e. writing papers, Basic programs, spreadsheets, etc.) -Roger -- UUCP: ..!uunet!unhd!rg | USPS: Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory BITNET: r_gonzalez at unhh | University of New Hampshire PHONE: (603) 862-4600 | 242 SERB FAX: (603) 862-4399 | Durham, NH 03824-3525