[comp.sys.zenith] Adding RAM to Zenith 386 Turbosport

russ@prism.gatech.EDU (Russell Shackelford) (01/19/90)

Gotta Zenith 386 laptop [sic] and I got the extra meg of RAM that's
made for it, thus upping 2mb to 3mb.  The RAM is not installed.  It
did however come with small paper indicating that only official zenith
droids should install it.   Hmmmm.  Might somebody out there gimme a clue
as to installing it BEFORE I go taking the thing apart... ?

thanks a bunch,

Russell Shackelford
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332
russ@prism.gatech.edu         (404) 834-4759