(Phil Ngai) (05/03/90)
In article <18024@orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU> (Lee Gates) writes: | | I have been wondering if Zenith is planning on any successors |to the ZFTM-1492(sp?) monitor. I have been impressed by the monitor, I once asked Zenith at a trade show about this and they whined that super VGA standards didn't exist. Considering that Zenith sold off their computer stuff to fund HDTV and that FTM technology is one of the key parts of their HDTV strategy, I wouldn't hold my breath. In a recent Aviation Week there was a description of a Tektronix display. A (white) monochrome monitor provided high resolution color displays by using LCD shutters and filters. The claim was the filters could be made cheaply and the lack of shadow mask should be very promising for large inexpensive high resolution displays. -- Phil Ngai, {uunet,decwrl,ucbvax}!amdcad!phil If more freeways causes more freeway usage, why doesn't more transit cause more transit usage?