[comp.sys.zenith] ZDS-specific files available on COM1

djo7613@hardy.u.washington.edu (Dick O'Connor) (10/16/90)

This info comes straight from the Heath/Zenith User's Group BBS, to help
answer questions some of you have asked about the ZDS-specific files:
        COM1  [ ZDS Database ]

ZDS.DIR         8467  10-05-90  This file that you're currently
                                looking at.
PKZ110.EXE    149029   3-23-90  This is PKWARE's newest(v1.10)
                                librarying/archiving utility. It's more
                                efficient than the older 'ARC' format, and
                                it's fast. We will be using this newer
                                format here on HUG/TBBS, so get this file!!
                                This file is self-extracting and contains the
                                complete ZIP-system including documentation
                                and self-extraction software (which is easier
                                to use now).  Now includes ZIPFIX! This
                                latest version now has a more efficient
                                compression algorithm!
ZDS_PROD.ZIP   16482  10-05-90  This file contains a somewhat
                                comprehensive list of a good majority of ZDS
                                products, both old and new. It is by no means
                                complete, but it does contain longer
                                descriptions of each product; a good majority
                                of which, have appeared in the Bargain Centre,
                                and will probably appear, in the future. If
                                you buy products from the Bargain Centre, get
                                this file. The descriptions are from ZDS, and
                                is copyrighted Zenith Data Systems (c) 1990.
                                This is for your personal use only. Please
                                don't upload it to other systems.
TIPS0815.ZIP   13454   9-26-90  This file is a compilation of one
                                user's tips, Craig S. Stevenson, while using
                                the following harware/software combinations:
                                DesqView 2.25, 2.26, QEMM 4.23, QEMM 5.00,
                                Manifest 1.00, PCTools Deluxe 5.5, 6,
                                RBBS-PC 17.3 /0227/0518 /ANSIED Doorway 2.05,
                                2.06, Beta X00.SYS Version 1.22, ADCACHE
                                Version 1.20, SUPER-PC-KWIK Version 1.54, DSZ
                                Version 4-11, 6-26, USR Courier Dual Standard,
                                HST 14400, Zenith Z386-25, Z286-12, Z286-8,
                                Z159-8, DTK 386-25, ZDOS 3.3+, ZDOS 4.0.
                                Updated file with more info.
ZL-X.ZIP        1527   8-09-90  Here's some information on the ZL-1
                                and ZL-2. It consists of the experiences
                                of one user, Chuck Santose.
FIXSPRN.ZIP     7433   7-27-90  U/L and written by: 'PAT SWAYNE'.
                                Fix for ZDS computers that are using a serial
                                style printer instead of parallel.
SWAPFILE.ZIP   15385   7-20-90  U/L by: 'PAT SWAYNE'. New version
                                for ZDS to fix the MicroSoft version.
WINDOWS3.UPG    2780   7-12-90  Ordering information and form to
                                obtain the ZDS version of Microsoft
                                Windows Version 3.
DOS4.UPG        2906   7-12-90  Ordering Information and form to
                                obtain the ZDS version of MS-DOS Version 4.01.
BADDISK.UPG     1462   7-12-90  Information on how to obtain a
                                replacement disk if one of yours happens
                                to be defective.
286LP12.ZIP     4589   6-15-90  U/L by: GREG BRAITHWAITE' Upgrade
                                procedure for the 286LP 8Mhz. NOTE: Although
                                the file is in the ZDS Specific Section, in NO
                                WAY is this procedure supported by ZDS, ZDS
                                Medallion Dealers, or even ANYONE with Z's
                                in their name. YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!
CONFIG89.ZIP    6152   4-30-90  Text file containing valuable
                                hardware configuration information for the
                                H/Z-89 All-In-One Computer. This info was
                                Uploaded by Pat Swayne, and was originally
                                uncovered by the infamous "Michiana Jones"
                                while looting King Tut's Tomb!
BACKUP.ZIP     17421   5-07-90  Version 3.30.08. Version 3.30.06
                                fails if backup date is 01/mm/yy. Version
                                3.30.07 can fail formating low
                                density 3.5"  disks.
RESTORE.ZIP    15613   5-02-90  Version 3.30.07. Older versions
                                have numerous bugs.
EMM3.ZIP        5219   5-02-90  Expanded Memory Management driver
                                conforms to L/I/M EMS version 4 standards.
                                Use with Zenith MS-DOS Version 3.
EMM4.ZIP        5215   5-02-90  Expanded Memory Management driver
                                conforms to L/I/M EMS version 4 standards.
                                Use with Zenith MS-DOS Version 4.
HUGEBUF1.ZIP     840   5-02-90  Program (with doc) to increase the
                                size of the keyboard buffer on PC Compatible
MODE.ZIP        8787   5-02-90  Version 3.17. Required to enable
                                the Z-181 internal modem (MODE MODEM
                                [on/off]), change the screen palette (MODE
                                PALETTE n), and specify the time delay before
                                the backlit screen turns off (MODE EL
                                [time]). Enter MODE ? then 6 for help.
SUPSET.ZIP      1086   5-02-90  Zenith systems will normally use
                                fast, optimized video INT handler which may
                                not be compatible with some software packages.
                                "Supercompatibility" mode forces Zenith
                                systems to use a more compatible video
                                interrupt handler.
VDISK.ZIP       2211   5-02-90  Version 3.3.2. Compatible with
                                EMM.SYS drivers (above).
ZCACHE.ZIP      3906   5-02-90  Version 3.3.5. Compatible with
                                EMM.SYS drivers (above).
101.ZIP         1518   4-27-90  The SupersPort computer does not
                                completely emulate a 101 key keyboard. This
                                TSR program provides 101 key emulation on
                                the SupersPort.
FIXBOOT.ZIP     1755   4-27-90  This program (includes DOC) will
                                replace the boot sector on a 9 sector/track,
                                40 track, double sided 360k diskette.
SYSCLR.ZIP       986   4-27-90  Clears memory and buffers, then
                                attempts to reboot, with DOC.
ZXSS.ZIP        2924   4-27-90  Device driver for SupersPort/84
                                expansion chassis, with DOC.
ZDSMFT.ZIP     29712   4-27-90  Low level format for the
                                Heath/Zenith 150-330-WD AT Disk Controllers.
                                Use ONLY on systems with this controller that
                                will not PREP. CAUTION -- ZDSMFT.EXE will
                                erase all the data currently on the hard
                                disk. Includes DOC.
LIB.ZIP        17164   4-27-90  New Library Manager Version 3.02
                                This replaces Version 3.0.
PART.ZIP       36770   4-27-90  Current version of PART.EXE
                                Version 3.30.13.
PREP.ZIP       16018   5-23-90  Current version of PREP.EXE
                                Version 3.30.22.
VOICE.ZIP       7699   4-27-90  Device driver for the HV-2000,
                                Version 1.03.
SMOFF.ZIP        232   4-27-90  If the display on your external
                                CRT is normal, but the LCD display is 'bad'
                                (highlight bar not visible, incorrect
                                contrast, reverse video, not readable)
                                on the SupersPort 286e or SupersPort SX,
                                run SMOFF before running your software. To
                                undo the effect of SMOFF, execute MACHINE
                                VIDEO VGA at the MS-DOS prompt.
MOUSE.ZIP      32049   4-27-90  Mouse driver software upgrade
                                version 3.42. For the Logitech LG-10 mouse.
                                Fixes incompatibilities with the Zenith Z-286
                                LP and Z-248/12 systems.
VIDEO.ZIP        917   4-23-90  Tech. notes on ZDS VGA video boards.
                                Switch settings, etc.
LAPTOPS.ZIP     2229   4-23-90  Tech. notes on ZDS Laptop Computers.
                                Configuration, memory, switch settings, etc.
CNTRLR.ZIP       777   4-23-90  Tech. notes on ZDS AT-style
                                controller cards.
Z-15X.ZIP       4719   4-23-90  Tech. notes on the Z-150 series
                                computers. Includes 150, 152, 157, 158, 159,
                                etc. Configuration, memory, switch settings,
Z-24X.ZIP       4437   4-23-90  Tech. notes on the Z-240 series
                                computers. Includes 241, 248, etc.
                                Configuration, memory, switch settings, etc.
Z-28X.ZIP       2305   4-23-90  Tech. notes on the Z-286 series
                                computers. Memory, switch settings,
                                configuration, etc.
Z-38X.ZIP       5714   4-23-90  Tech. notes on the Z-386 series
                                computers. Memory, switch settings,
                                configuration, etc.
COMPATI.ZIP    15232   4-23-90  Uploaded by: 'ERIC LITT'. I placed
                                ccformat.com and ccdriver.sys on the download
                                section since it has been updated by
                                MicroSolutions. There was some problem with
                                some Zenith computer systems with the supplied
                                ccformat.com. If you are experiencing 1.4meg
                                format problems, use these files instead.
Z100UTIL.ZIP   24979   4-05-90  This package contains the original
                                Z-100 winchester utility programs. Programs
                                include: PART, PREP, DSKCOPY, SHIP, VERIFY,
                                and ALTCHAR.SYS. This software is copyright
                                Zenith Data Systems, and is for your personal
                                use only. It may not be sold, or uploaded to
                                other bulletin board systems.
PREP.ZIP       16018   5-23-90  New version of "PREP for your hard
                                disk from Zenith. Has some bugs fixed.
WDFMT.ZIP      13450   7-06-89  A "low-level" format program for
                                certain hard disk/controller combinations
                                that "won't" prep for some reason.

"Moby" Dick O'Connor                         djo7613@u.washington.edu 
Washington Department of Fisheries           *I brake for salmonids*