[comp.sys.zenith] Zenith TurbosPort 386e: Comments Anyone?

mr@cica.cica.indiana.edu (Michael Regoli) (12/17/90)


Our department is considering the purchase of a Zenith TurbosPort 386e
portable (80386 running at 10/20 Mhz, 2Mb RAM, 40 Mb hard disk, one
1.4Mb 3.5" floppy, 10" backlit page white 640x480 VGA compatible, with
a 79-key detachable keyboard and internal 300/1200/2400 Hayes
compatible auto-sync modem).  Our price is $2,599.

Has anyone any comments on this machine, good, bad, or otherwise?  Can
the rapid-charge 53WHr NiCad pack *really* charge in two hours?

Thanks for the input.

michael regoli
..{ames, rutgers}!iuvax!cica!mr