[comp.sys.zenith] Z150 upgrades to a 386 cpu

dwsmith@loki.arc.NASA.GOV (David Smith) (06/21/91)

I currently have a Zenith Z150 (very old machine) and would like to know if
anyone with a simuliar machine has upgraded to a 386 based cpu.  What boards
are available or do you recommend?  What is the approx. cost?  What other 
types of problems will I run into?  If I want to add a higher density drive
also, what is would be the cost (New controller card, right?)?  

It is probably cheaper to buy a new machine, but I hate throwing aware things.

Responses can be posted or sent to me directly.

Thank you,

  David W. Smith      		                All comments made are my own
  NASA Ames Research Center			and do not in anyway reflect
  M/S 233-3					NASA opinions or policies.
  Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
  Internet: dwsmith@ames.arc.nasa.gov