[comp.ivideodisc] Touch Screen for Macintosh?

ooblick@eddie.MIT.EDU (Mikki Barry) (12/24/87)

We are looking for either a touch screen, light pen, or similar screen
input device for the Macintosh.  If anyone knows of one, please e-mail
to me, or post to comp.ivideodisc.  We are trying to simplify input
for a videodisc project controlled by the Mac.

Thanks for any help you can give me.  Otherwise, we'll have to build our
own card and write drivers (bletch).

Mikki Barry

helen@prism.UUCP (12/29/87)

I saw a touchscreen for a Macintosh at Laseractive '87 in Boston
this past fall.  It was made by MicroTouch Systems of Woburn, MA
(617) 935-0080.  I have not personally used it, but it demo'd OK,
and their other touchscreens are reasonably popular.  One strange
thing was that their interpretation of the mouse's double click
was indeed a double touch, which I found slightly confusing.  But
that should be adjustable in software...

bill@videovax.Tek.COM (William K. McFadden) (01/06/88)

Tektronix has a capacitive touch panel that we are using in a new product I
am working on.  It has 256 X 256 resolution and is available to outside
customers.  I sent Mikki more details via e-mail.  If anyone else is interested
in this touch panel, send me e-mail for more information.

Bill McFadden    Tektronix, Inc.  P.O. Box 500  MS 58-639  Beaverton, OR  97077
UUCP: ...{hplabs,uw-beaver,decvax}!tektronix!videovax!bill
GTE: (503) 627-6920         "How can I prove I am not crazy to people who are?"