[comp.ivideodisc] CD-ROM specs?

matt@frisbee.UUCP (Matt Taylor) (05/21/89)

	Here's an easy one.

	Does anyone have the performance specifications for the various 
CD-ROM players used with IBM PC's?  I am particularly interested in the 
Hitachi box as I might buy one for the databases available on the disks.  

How does the random access of data compare to a hard disk?  Obviously
slower, but by how much?  Rotational latency?  Media lifetime?  MTBF?

These answers and many more will be summarized...

Matt Taylor @ Maximum Storage, Inc.    	"All the world's a stage,
Colorado Springs, CO.  303-531-6888   	 and we are merely players."

postnews@cvbnet2.UUCP (postnews login account) (05/23/89)

Speaking of CD-ROM specs, does anyone have the interface specs for at bus
cd-rom interface boards.  I would like to use a cd-rom under 386/ix, and
am having trouble finding a driver for them.  I will write my own
if I can get enough documentation on the register and command set of the
interface board.  We have an amdek package right now, but will consider
getting a different package if the documentation is available
From: jeremy@lana.prime.com (Jeremy Nussbaum)
Path: lana!jeremy

Jeremy Nussbaum (jeremy@jeremy.prime.com, ...!harvard!prmcad!jeremy)
Prime Computer/2 Crosby Drive MS 16-2 /Bedford, Ma. 01730
(617)275-1800 x6745
Standard Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are mine and not my employer's.

davek@lakesys.UUCP (Dave Kraft) (05/23/89)

In article <324@frisbee.UUCP>, matt@frisbee.UUCP (Matt Taylor) writes:
> 	Here's an easy one.
> 	Does anyone have the performance specifications for the various 
> CD-ROM players used with IBM PC's?  I am particularly interested in the 
> Hitachi box as I might buy one for the databases available on the disks.  
> How does the random access of data compare to a hard disk?  Obviously
> slower, but by how much?  Rotational latency?  Media lifetime?  MTBF?
> These answers and many more will be summarized...

At Datalink Information Systems (where I work), we've got a Hitachi CD-ROM
drive, and the response time is pretty good.. although it actually depends on
where on the disk the data is that you're looking for..  We have two CDs
that we purchased from Quanta Press (which seems about the only place _I_
know of that sells CD-ROMs).  One is called 'World Factbook 1988'.  You      
wouldn't beleive all the information that they've packed onto this CD..  
They even give addresses/telephone numbers of consolates!  Oh, this disk
was made up from unclassified CIA data.  Also, on this disk, it has TIFF
pictures of each country.  It's really neat! (I wish I had a decent TIFF viewr
though).  The other disc we've got has all of the seals available from the 
Government Printing Office.  These are in TIFF format also.
The one thing we'd like to do is write our own retrieval software for the
factbook '88 disc.  (see next message about this).  Hope this helps.
Forgetting your superuser password is just God's way of saying "BOOGA, BOOGA!"

mae@vygr.Sun.COM (Mike Ekberg, Sun {GPD-LEGO}) (05/31/89)

In article <1161@cvbnet2.UUCP> jeremy@jeremy.prime.com(Jeremy Nussbaum) writes:
>Speaking of CD-ROM specs, does anyone have the interface specs for at bus
>cd-rom interface boards.  I would like to use a cd-rom under 386/ix, and
>am having trouble finding a driver for them.  I will write my own

The Toshiba CD-ROM drive I have came w/ AT interface card and
diskette containing MS-DOS driver and some utility programs.

I'm not sure if the source is included. Call Toshiba if you are 

Irvine,CA	714/455-0407
San Jose,CA	408/452-8179
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Cambridge, MA	617/354-6720

# mike (sun!mae), M/S 8-04
"The people are the water, the army are the fish" Mao Tse-tung