In refernce to the posting about laying out user feedback video seqeunces near the initial presentation, what I have done in very similar situations is to put the "feedback" in several places throughout the disc. That way the needed sections are not very far away and we had the software determine in each case of access where the closest segments could be located. As a side note, as discplayers have continued to get much faster in terms of access time, the concern for disc layout to increase the speed of a systems response has been lessened ( at least here). Well, now you have my .02 worth. -Mark Mark Collien BITNET: MAC9067@RITVAX Videodisc and Electronic Publishing Lab UUCP:{..decvax}!rochester!ritcv!mac9067 Rochester Institute of Technology CSNET: Rochester, NY 14623-0887 USA VOICE: 716-475-6625