msummers@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Mark Summers) (12/06/89)
I am looking for sources of information about the IBM
InfoWindow and InfoWindow Presentation Interpreter.
I am also looking for information and recommendations on
authoring systems for both IBM and Mac. Authoring programs
for graphical interactive and laser videodisc are of interest
for various projects with medical subjects.
Thank you in advance.
ooooo O U.S. mail-----> Mark D. Summers
\ \// UMD School of Medicine
[ 0 0 ] 10 University Drive
| .> | Duluth, MN 55812
( Q )
/ /_________ internet------>
( ''''''''''\
`` ___ / '/ BITNET--------> MSUMMERS@UMNDUL
_________O oooo_________________________________________________
bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) (12/08/89)
In article <3055@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU> msummers@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Mark Summers) writes: |[...] |I am also looking for information and recommendations on |authoring systems for both IBM and Mac. Authoring programs |for graphical interactive and laser videodisc are of interest |for various projects with medical subjects. I think you should also be looking at systems using the Commodore Amiga, like Interactor by Very Vivid, and other systems. Authoring systems are an important part of the Amiga software repertoire as far as I know... Cheers, -- ^^ Bruce Becker Toronto, Ont. w \**/ Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, `/v/-e BitNet: BECKER@HUMBER.BITNET _/ >_ "Modern Businessmen believe in Christiannuity" - Pres. George Bosch