852028e@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Amari M. Elammari) (02/22/91)
4-th International Conference on Computers and Learning ICCAL'92 - June 17-20, 1992 ICCAL is dedicated to the presentation of new results in the theory and practice of computers and learning. Areas considered for ICCAL'92 include theoretical as well as practical topics such as Authoring Systems, AI Applications, Computers in Distance Education, Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning, Discourse Management, Evaluation of Learning Environments, Human-Computer Interaction/Interface, Human Problem Solving, Hypermedia, Innovative Educational Software, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, Knowledge-Based CAI Systems, Media-Based CAI, Performance Monitoring, Presentation CAI and ICAI, Problem Generation, Simulations, Student Modelling and Cognitive Diagnosis, Visualization of Algorithms, and Innovative Applications in Medicine, Arts, Music, Engineering, Business, Sciences, Humanities, Language Learning, etc. Workshops, tutorials, and panels on subjects of current interest will also be offered. Anticipated workshop/tutorial themes are Authoring Software, Cognitive Science, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Human-Computer Interfaces, Hypermedia, and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Six invited speeches will be given by the world's leading experts in areas covering the major themes of the conference and exhibits of software and hardware products are being planned. The previous ICCAL conferences were held in Calgary, Canada (1987), Dallas Texas (1989), and Hagen, Germany (1990). ICCAL'92 will take place at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. ICCAL usually attracts around 300 attendees and the proceedings of the last two conferences have been published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer Verlag. This will be the case for ICCAL'92 as well. Deadline for submission of papers: October 4, 1991. Paper format: 4 copies of paper consisting of a title page with author name(s) and affiliation(s), one page with a 200-word abstract, keywords, and names of relevant conference topics, and a 2,500 to 3,500 word long manuscript. Send submissions and enquiries to Dr. I. Tomek, Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, B0P 1X0, Canada, phone: (902)-542-2201/467, fax: (902)-542-7224, e-mail: INTERNET:ICCAL@AcadiaU.ca