[net.news.group] alice.1181: List of Groups I Think Should Go

krm (11/21/82)

I list here arguments opposing Adam's list.

net.lang.apl	keep it.  the discussion isn't as bulky as net.singles but
		it is a useful way of contacting apl users.

net.wines	how about submitting these articles to net.cooks?

fa.ALL		these groups are inportant!!!!!  since there is so much one way
		gating, and so infrequent (like net.sf-lovers sometimes gets
		gated to fa), I think these are necessary to prevent news loops.


sjb (11/22/82)

You have some good points.  I always wondered why net.wines was
ever created, since it should be in net.cooks (or a subgroup
of net.cooks at the most)  As for fa.all groups, I think you
missed my intentions.  I did not mean to do away with them.
I purposely did NOT list fa.all groups on the basis of not
being used for a while, because of things like SF-Lovers which
don't get through all that frequently.  The only fa.all groups
I listed were those that were definitely gatewayed (two ways)
into USENET and haven't been used since the gateway went into
effect.  Witness fa.space.  We haven't gotten a digest from it
in over 7 months, not since the gateway to net.space went into
effect.  Why keep fa.space around when it will never be used?