[comp.ivideodisc] Survey on working in Multi-media

Rick_McCormack@mindlink.UUCP (Rick McCormack) (03/14/91)

I am trying to determine how multi-media people got work in
this field.  If you can give brief answers to the following
questions, I will summarize to this group shortly.  Thanks.

1) Company size: (a) <20 employees  (b) <200 employees
                 (C) really big

2) People directly involved in producing multi-media
     (a) <5    (b) <20   (c) >20

3) This job is (a) something that grew from previous duties
               (b) The result of planned expansion into m-m
               (c) an ad for multi-media personnel

4) Multi-media is (a) what we sell  (b) use in-house
                  (c) both of the above

5) We are considered to be part of the __________

6) We have (a) hired  (b) laid off people in the last 3

7) Generally, I feel that other departments (a) use
   (b) ignore what we are doing.

8) We (a) are ready  (b) have already  (c) have no plans
   to produce CD-ROMS and/or LaserDisks.

9) Main product/service of our company:__________________

10) [Optional]
    Years in M-m:___________________________
    Previous work:__________________________

    [Anything else you may think relevant.]

I will co-relate some of the answers and any comments you
wish to have included, and post a report to this group
before the end of March.

F.Y.I.  I was, in a previous existence, a technical
co-ordinator for large scale multi-media presentations at
conventions, etc.  (You know, 29 slide projectors, 2 movies
and video with mega-sound systems.)  I went back to school
for a diploma in Applied Information Technology, and had the
grandiose hope that companies here in Vancouver, BC, Canada
(soon to be an international banking center for the Pacific
Rim - everyone sez so!) might welcome some home-grown talent
in their efforts to improve communications at the strategic
planning level.  I ain't holding my breath, and decided to
see how others got into the jobs I can't seem to find here.

My research has indicated that others are also trying to get
where you respondents already are, so I thought I'd do a
little basic (primary) research, and post the results.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to the survey.

| Vancouver,  BC |  Information transfer - with a purpose.    |
|     CANADA     |  ________________________________________  |