[comp.ivideodisc] Interactive Multimedia Symposium,W.Aust. Jan 1992

tedgarth@cc.curtin.edu.au (04/17/91)

                           I n t e r n a t i o n a l

                           I n t e r a c t i v e 

                           M u l t i m e d i a 

                           S y m p o s i u m

                                1 9 9 2

                          International Conference
                              and Exhibition
                          Perth, Western Australia

                           January 27 - 31, 1992

                        Organised by Curtin University,
                        IMAGE Technology, IBM  and the
                       Australian Society of Educational

Conference and Exhibition

Interactive Multimedia (IMM), the new generation
technology, is a convergence of computer technology and
such systems as laser disc, CD ROM and CDI.  IMM holds
enormous potential for education, training, libraries,
museums and public information programs.  It provides
unique opportunities for productive collaboration
between education and industry.  Significantly, it also
provides the basis of a new courseware development
industry with export potential.

The organisers of IIMS have planned this event to:

.	address the opportunities presented by IMM
.	help managers and practitioners find their way
	through the 'multimedia option maze'
.	develop a national agenda for tailoring
	interactive multimedia development to Australia's

Who should attend IIMS?

We invite:

.	educational and training administrators and planners
.	educators and trainers
.	music, language and art educators
.	librarians, museum and gallery officers
.	providers of community information services
.	manufacturers and suppliers
.	media and computer courseware development
.	others interested in interactive multimedia
	applications and development.

What are the Conference themes?

IIMS will provide opportunities to share concerns and 
achievements at the international and national levels, to
learn from case studies and the latest research, to have
'hands on experience' with the latest technology and 
courseware and to help shape policies and strategies in
interactive multimedia development.

IIMS will be structures around the following themes

Education, training and public information

.	IMM and the needs of education, training, libaries,
	museums and public information programs
.	IMM and guided self-study, open learning mlulti-
	skilling, etc

Developing IMM courseware and networks

.	Needs analysis, curriculum develoment,
	instructional design and IMM develoment
.	Inter-sector co-operation, sharing resources and
	skills and creating generic programs
.	Ownership, distribution, copyright, commerciali-
	sation and export potential

IMM technology

.	Raising the profile of IMM
.	Hardware and software options
.	Co-operation between the computer industries
	and IMM developers
.	Managing the cultural and organisational impact
	of new technology


.	Curriculum and learning theories and IMM
.	Evaluation and research in IMM techniques and
.	Studies into the human/technology interface

Future Directions

.	Towards a national agenda - how to achieve a winning
	strategy for IMM
.	Identifying and serving the common goals of educa-
	tion and industry
.	Achieving effective co-ordination, co-operation land
	communication in IMM development
.	Providing a national database and an infrastructure for
	sustained technological and courseware development


Expression of interest                               Tick here

I would like more information about IIMS

I would wish to contribute paper(s) at IIMS

I would wish to exhibit at IIMS

I am interested in pre/post conference tours

I am interested in the following themes:

.	Education, training and public information

.	Developing IMM courseware and networks

.	IMM technology

.	Research

.	Future directions

.	Towards a national agenda


Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr........................         ......................
 		Surname				Given name





Please return as soon as possible to:
IIMS Conference Secretariat
C/- Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
Unit 9a, Canning Bridge Commercial Centre
890-892 Canning Highway
Perth WA  6153

Tel (09) 364 8311       (09) 364 5380
Fax (09) 316 1453
EMAIL:   Edgar_TH@cc.curtin.edu.au


Monday, January 27	  -  Tours and visits
			  -  Registration
			  -  Exhibition opening
			  -  Pre-conference dinner

Tuesday, January 28	  -  Conference and Exhibition
			  -  Primary sessions, break-out
			     sessions and workshops
			  -  Evening social events

Wednesday, January 29	  -  Conference and Exhibition 
			  -  Primary sessions, break-out
			     sessions and workshops
			  -  Conference Dinner

Thursday, January 30	  -  Conference and Exhibition
			  -  Primary sessions, break-out
			     sessions and workshops
			  -  Evening social events

Friday, January 31	  -  Half-day forum: 'IMM -
			     Towards a National Agenda'
			  -  Tours and visits