[comp.ivideodisc] HELP! with video drivers

gyarneau@bcm.tmc.edu (Herman Glenn Yarneau) (05/15/91)

Help!  Help! HELP!!!!!

I am creating a level three interactive video disc and  I have reached a wall
that I can not get over.  

I need to drive a Sony 1200 player.  
I have a hypercard stack which has the driver for a sony 1500 
I believe it is the Voyager series of XCMD's and XFCN's (there are a lot of
them, as compared to the other series which only has one XCMD's for each type of
I know that this driver works because I have used it in hypercard
I am using SuperCard to build the computer interface.
I know thatSuperCard can drive video drivers because I have used the smaller set
before (but not the large (Voyager?) set)
When I import the Xcmd's and XFCN's into SuperCard  They dont work properly
When executing the "VideoStatus () " XFCN I keep getting an "abort" message

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
I cant find a phone number for the voyager company

I will be waiting anxiously by the mailbox for any kind of help.


Glen Yarneau