[comp.lang.clu] Equates within a type_set.

moj@polaris.UTU.FI (Matti Jokinen) (10/22/89)

In article <1235@scaup.cl.cam.ac.uk> scc@cl.cam.ac.uk (Stephen Crawley) writes:
>Does anyone out there put equate declarations inside a type_set?  

I found one typeset with local equates in an old source file.  The typeset was
used in a translator which handles several source and target languages.  There
is one front end for each source language and one back end for each target
language.  The intermediate representation is defined as an abstract data type
L_clause, where L is the target language.  Front ends use a limited set of
primitive operations to construct L_clause objects, and these operations are
similar in each L_clause.  Thus front ends can be parameterized by the type of
the intermediate representation.  The header of the front end used to look
like this:

K_front_end = cluster[t: type] is ... where t in clausetypes

Identifier `clausetypes' was defined in a separate equate file:

clausetypes = {t| t has b2c: proctype(bool) returns(t),
			i2c: proctype(bigint) returns(t),
			r2c: proctype(real) returns(t),
			ch2c: proctype(char) returns(t),
			sp2c: proctype(sproc) returns(t),
			t2c: proctype(typeval) returns(t),
			id2c: proctype(string) returns(t),
			s2c: proctype(string) returns(t),
			ac2c: proctype(tvec) returns(t),
			sc2c: proctype(tseq) returns(t),
			mul: proctype(t,t) returns(t),
			make_invocation: proctype(t,t) returns(t),
			make_series: proctype(tseq) returns(t),
			concat: proctype(t,t) returns(t),
			make_procedure: proctype(t,t) returns(t),
			make_iterator: proctype(t,t,t) returns(t),
			make_yield: proctype(t) returns(t),
			make_letrec: proctype(bindingseq) returns(t),
			make_use: proctype(t,t) returns(t),
			make_trap: proctype(t,proc_clause_seq,proc_clause)
			make_if: proctype(t,t,t) returns(t),
			make_case: proctype(t,proc_clause_seq,proc_clausety)
			make_loop: proctype(t) returns(t),
			make_for: proctype(t,t,t) returns(t),
			make_while: proctype(t,t) returns(t),
			make_repeat: proctype(t,t) returns(t)
	       tvec = array[t]
	       tseq = sequence[t]
	       proc_clause = struct[formal,body: t]
	       proc_clause_seq = sequence[proc_clause]
	       proc_clausety = oneof[none: null, procedure: proc_clause]
	       binding = struct[id: string, value: t]
	       bindingseq = sequence[binding]}

However, this typeset is not used in the current version.  The reason is
that front ends now have three type parameters which are not independent
of each other.  The typeset concept is not powerful enough to specify the
restrictions.  What would be needed is a type relation of the form

	{t,u,v: t has ..., u has ..., v has ...; <equates>}

In sum, local equates are useful in complicated typesets, but typesets are
not necessarily the best way to express complicated restrictions.

Matti Jokinen