[comp.lang.clu] ECOOP Workshop on Object Oriented Exception Handling

J.Purchase@cs.ucl.ac.uk (Jan Purchase) (05/05/91)



			      July 1991
			 Geneva, Switzerland

As object-oriented languages become more sophisticated, the problem of
coping with exceptional situations occurring at run-time becomes more
complex and the need for appropriate tools and language mechanisms to
detect, handle and correct errors more urgent.  Such tools and
mechanisms help to facilitate software reliability, reusability,
readability and debugging.

Currently, many exception handling systems have been, or are being,
integrated into object-oriented languages (e.g., C++, Clos+CommonLisp,
Eiffel, Smalltalk). These systems differ in many important respects
including: handler definition policies, knowledge representation and
handling mechanisms. In addition, many different proposals on the
subject have been published recently in literature pertaining to
object oriented systems (two at the ECOOP/OOPSLA'90 conference alone).

Some of the problems and ideas expressed in connected fields, such as:
the integration of atypical classes into inheritance hierarchies
required in database systems or semantic networks and the management
of exceptional cases in information systems or user interfaces, have
never before been compared with research into exception handling.  We
feel that such a comparison would be mutually beneficial.

It would thus be interesting for anyone with opinions on (and the
relevant experience of) designing or using exception handling systems,
to discuss their point of view.  That is the purpose of this workshop.
All following topics are relevant and could be discussed:

* Proposal of new systems.

* Comparisons of existing systems.

* Handling policies.
Should exceptions be handled at  the class level, at the method level,
at the instruction level?
Where and how are default handlers defined?
What exception propagation mechanism should be adopted?

* Relationship between exception handling, software quality, modularity and
How can we ensure modularity while invoking handlers?
How should objects interfaces be modified so that users of
object-oriented libraries be able to anticipate exceptions cases?
What should be the scope (and extent) of handlers?
How can exceptions improve program readability and thus potential for reuse?

* Failures, Object consistency.
How can we maintain object consistency with a termination model?
How can object consistency be ensured when both resumption and
termination are allowed? 
Are database techniques for maintaining consistency of data relevant
for object-oriented languages?

* Reflection and Language Design
How can the use of object-oriented programming improve the
expressive power of exception handling systems?
Can exception mechanisms be retro-fitted into object oriented
languages effectively?

* Specifications
What role do formal specification have to play in object oriented exception mechanisms?
What are the benefits and costs of behavioural exceptions as opposed
to state-based exceptions?
Could exceptions be used as annotations for a behavioural (or semantic) browser? 
How can the definition of exception cases be combined with semantic or
axiomatic specifications? 

* Exception handling and concurrent object-oriented languages.
What extra difficulties does parallelism or distributed processing

* Implementation issues.
Can exception mechanisms be implemented within object-oriented
languages so that they do not slow down normal execution?
Is there a case for disabling exceptions when software is released?

* User experiences.

* Connections between exception handling systems and debugging tools.


The workshop will be divided into topic-directed sessions, with
significant time for questions after each presentation, and more
general discussions on issues that will appear to raise a particular
interest.  People wishing to participate are invited to submit an
extended abstract explaining their contribution to the field and the
relevance of their work to one or more of the proposed topics.


Attendance of the workshop is not limited to these who have registered
as ECOOP delegates. A selection of the best positional papers and a
workshop report will be submitted for publication to ACM "OOPS

Submission Details

Send three copies of extended abstract before June 1, 1991 to:

Christophe  Dony
Rank Xerox France & LITP, Universite Paris VI
4 place Jussieu, 75oo5 Paris (France).
Phone: (33)-1-44277030.
Email: chd@rxf.ibp.fr.

Important dates

June 1 : Deadline for receiving extended abstracts.
June 15 : Notification of invitation or rejection.

Workshop Organizers

For further information, contact any of the workshop organizers

Christophe Dony
Rank-Xerox France - LITP (IBP) Universite Paris VI	chd@rxf.ibp.fr

Jan A. Purchase
Computer Science Dept., 
University College London, 
Gower St., London WC1E 6BT
Email: J.Purchase@cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)71 387 7050 x3701

Russel L. Winder,
Computer Science Dept., 
University College London, 
Gower St., London WC1E 6BT
Email: R.Winder@cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)71 380 7293