[comp.lang.icon] Version 7.5 of Icon for the IBM 370

ralph@ARIZONA.EDU ("Ralph Griswold") (07/14/89)

Version 7.5 of Icon is now available for IBM 370 computers running
VM/CMS.  It should run on the IBM 30xx and 43xx families of processors
and on other 370-type processors that use the VM/CMS operating system.

This system is available from the Icon project on a 1600 bpi magnetic
tape.  The tape includes executables and source code (which compiles
under Waterloo C 3.0 and should be easily adaptable to other production-
quality C compilers).

The tape is available from

	Icon Project
	Department of Computer Science
	Gould-Simpson Building
	The University of Arizona
	Tucson, AZ   85721

The cost is $30, payable by Visa, MasterCard, or check.  Checks must be in US
dollars, written on a bank with a branch in the United States, and made payable
to The University of Arizona.  See Icon Newsletter 30 for more information on

There is no charge for shipping in the United States and Canada.  There is
a $10 charge for shipment overseas, which is by air.

This version of Icon is not available via FTP or RBBS.

Please address any questions to me, not to icon-project or icon-group.

  Ralph Griswold / Dept of Computer Science / Univ of Arizona / Tucson, AZ 85721
  +1 602 621 6609   ralph@Arizona.EDU  uunet!arizona!ralph