[comp.lang.icon] Icon procedure

corre@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Alan D Corre) (08/08/89)

I wanted to write an Icon procedure to check if a string has precisely
22 characters (the size of the Hebrew alphabet) and no duplicate
characters, so I wrote the following:

procedure checkstring(abc)
local cs, current
  if *abc ~= 22 then fail #check length
  cs := '' #initialize cset
  abc ? every 1 to 22 do {
          current := move(1) #select a char
          if cs ** current ~=== '' then fail #char is already a member
          cs ++:= current } #char is ok

The procedure worked fine, but I said: "That isn't an Icon procedure.
It's a thinly disguised Pascal function. Now write an Icon procedure."
So I forsook "IF mouse IN hole" and wrote:

procedure checkstring2(abc)
local t, current
  if *abc ~= 22 then fail
  t := table(22)
  abc ? every 1 to 22 do {
          current := move(1)
          \t[current] | fail
          t[current] := 1 }

More Icon constructs, but no better really.

Then I wrote:

procedure checkstring3(abc)
return *abc = *cset(abc) = 22

Now that's an Icon procedure.
Alan D. Corre
Department of Hebrew Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee                     (414) 229-4245
PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201             corre@csd4.milw.wisc.edu