[comp.lang.icon] string range replacement confusion

dscargo@CIM-VAX.HONEYWELL.COM ("DAVE CARGO") (09/16/89)

#The following fragment represents part of a program that scans
#a file of user names and writes out lines that match, uppercasing
#the part of the line that matched.  Three methods are used to assign
#capital letters to the output string.  One uppercases the pattern and
#assigns it to the part of the line that matched.  Two other methods
#copy characters from an uppercased copy of the line.  So far
#as I can determine, all three methods should work the same.
#They don't.  I'm using Icon 7.0 for VMS.  I'm trying to determine
#if methods 2 and 3(represented by the write(pline2) and write(pline3))
#are correct but somehow failing to produce the correct results, or if I'm
#misunderstanding how some of this Icon is supposed to work.
global sstr
procedure main()
    sstr := "cargo"
    line := "cargo, dave                  cargo"
    write(line) #added for testing

procedure print_line(line, nodename)
# three copies for the three different methods
    pline1 := copy(line)
    pline2 := copy(line)
    pline3 := copy(line)
    lower := map(sstr)
# this is the desired replacement text
    upper := map(sstr, &lcase, &ucase)
# this is an altermate source for the replacement text
    uline := map(line, &lcase, &ucase)
# the size of the search string
    starsstr := *sstr
 # finding all instances of the search string
   every i := find(lower, line) do
# I think these assignments should replace the same
# characters in the same places.
# method 1 explicitly calculates the ranges
        j := i + *sstr
        pline1[i:j] := uline[i:j]
# method 2 uses the same ranges
        pline2[i:+starsstr] := uline[i:+starsstr]
# method three only uses one range, but should have the same text
        pline3[i:+starsstr] := upper
# minus the pound signs, this is what comes out
# (from a screen capture)
#cargo, dave                  cargo
#CARGO, dave                  CARGO
#CARGO, DAVE                  cargo