[comp.lang.icon] Library procedures for MS-DOS

corre@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Alan D Corre) (12/20/89)

By request I am posting the MS-DOS version of the procedures I posted
recently for the Zenith terminal. I have added Chris Tenaglia's input
procedure, and have gilded his lily by offering a variant, inputl, which
insists on a response of a specific length. This can readily be modified
to include other determinants, that the response must be an integer, for

procedure banner(l[])
#Writes to the screen an arbitrary number of strings and encloses them.
local n
  writes(char(201)) #top left right angle
  writes(repl(char(205),78)) #straight line
  writes(char(187)) #top right right angle
  writes(char(186)) #upright line at left
  writes(right(char(186),79)) #upright line at right
  every n := 1 to *l do {
    writes(char(186)) #upright line at left
    writes(center(l[n],78),char(186)) #string centered followed by upright line
    writes(char(186)) #upright line at left
    writes(right(char(186),79)) #upright line at right
  writes(char(200)) #bottom left right angle
  writes(repl(char(205),78)) #straight line
  write(char(188)) #bottom right right angle

procedure instructions(filename)
#writes contents of a file to screen, allows user to stop after any screenful.
local filvar,counter,line
  writes("Do you need instructions? y/n ")
  if upto('yY',read()) then {
#The following if-statement fails if the file is not available
  counter := 0
  if filvar := open(filename) then
#Read the help file. It's a good idea to keep this kind of info in a
#separate file because you can modify it easily without redoing the
#program. In general---keep data out of programs!
    while line := read(filvar) do {
#Write out a line and increment the counter
      counter +:= 1
#Now we have a screenful; ask if we should continue
      if counter >22 then {
        writes ("More? y/n ")
#User has had enough; break out of loop
        if upto('nN',read()) then break  else
#User wants more; reset counter and continue
          counter := 0}} else
#This else goes with the second if-statement; the attempt to open the
#help file failed:
      write("Sorry, instructions not available.")}
    write ("Press return to continue.")
#Close the file if it existed and was opened. If it was never opened
#the value of filvar will be null. This check has to be made because
#an attempt to use close() on a variable NOT valued at a file would
#cause an error. 
/filvar | close(filvar)

procedure randomize()
#deletes the colons from the clock time, and uses the resulting number as seed
local clock
  clock := &clock
  clock[6] := ""
  clock[3] := ""
  &random := clock

procedure clear()
#clears the screen

procedure gotoxy(l,r)
#sets the cursor at line l, row r

procedure input(s)
#prints the prompt s and returns the user's response
return read()

procedure inputl(s,n)
#prints the prompt s,  indicates that the response must be n characters
#max, and insists on appropriate response.
local ans
  writes(n," characters maximum. ")
#if ANSI driver is installed omit initial #-sign in following lines
# writes("\e[7m\e[s", repl(" ",n),"\e[u\e[0m") #save cursor,reverse video,
                               ##n blanks, restore cursor, normal video
  while *(ans := read()) > n do {
    writes(n," characters maximum. ")
#   writes("\e[7m\e[s", repl(" ",n),"\e[u\e[0m")
return ans
Alan D. Corre
Department of Hebrew Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee                     (414) 229-4245
PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201               corre@csd4.csd.uwm.edu