Paul_Abrahams%Wayne-MTS@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU (09/25/90)
In response to Richard's request, here is the MS-DOS file generator that I
posted quite a while ago. I haven't even looked at it for over a year, but
I don't suppose it has rusted.
It would be nice if there were some repository for tidbits like this, but I
guess the Icon project has enough else to do.
Paul Abrahams
# get_filename(pfn) accepts a DOS filename possibly containing wildcards.
# The filename can also include a drive letter and path.
# If the filename ends in "\" or ":", "*.*" is appended.
# The result sequence is a sequence of the filenames corresponding to pfn.
procedure get_filename(pfn)
local asciiz, fnr, prefix, k, name
local ds, dx, result, fnloc, string_block
#get Disk Transfer Address; filename locn is 30 beyond that
result := Int86([16r21, 16r2f00] ||| list(7,0))
fnloc := 16 * result[8] + result[3]+ 30
# get the generalized filename
fnr := reverse(pfn)
k := upto("\\:", fnr) | *fnr + 1
prefix := reverse(fnr[k:0])
name := "" ~== reverse(fnr[1:k]) | "*.*"
# Get the first file in the sequence
asciiz := prefix || name || "\x00"
Poke(string_block := GetSpace(*asciiz), asciiz)
ds := string_block / 16
dx := string_block % 16
result := Int86([16r21, 16r4e00, 0, 0, dx, 0, 0, 0, ds])
case result[2] of {
0 : {}
18 : fail
default : stop("i/o error ", result[2])
suspend prefix || extract_name(fnloc)
# Get the remaining files in the sequence
while Int86([16r21, 16r4f00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])[2] = 0 do
suspend prefix || extract_name(fnloc)
procedure extract_name(fnloc)
local asciiz
asciiz := Peek(fnloc, 13)
return asciiz[1:upto("\x00", asciiz)]