[comp.lang.icon] Klondike: the game

naz@hslrswi.UUCP (Norman H. Azadian) (10/02/90)

This is a card game, Solitaire to be precise, Klondike to be preciser.
I have built this mostly as a means of learning Icon.  I can't claim
credit for the user interface.  Some years ago I snatched a similar
(much faster) game built for PCs by Allyn Wade.  I have added a few
features in my version.  This one should work on any ANSI-compatible
terminal with 25 lines, but I don't have the opportunity to test that
here.  It works OK on my AT clone.

I understand that in Los Vegas one can lose money with this game too.
One buys a deck of cards for $55, and then you get $5 back for each
card that you put in the Ace piles.  Running my program for several
thousand games, I get an average of about 10.4 cards in the ace piles.
But the algorithm used (to date) is simplistic -- the goal for
future versions is to discover better algorithms so that I can get
rich quick in Los Vegas. :-)

I think this version basically works.  There is probably a bug or two
left in Undo.  Sorry, no documentation yet.  I'm still trying to get
my head wrapped around this Icon concept of generators, so I'm sure
the code could be better.  Bug fixes and suggestions for improvement
are welcome.

PAPER:  Norman Azadian; Ascom AG; Belpstrasse 23; 3000 Berne 14; Switzerland
X.400:  naz@hslrswi.hasler
UUCP:   ...{uunet,ukc,mcvax,...}!cernvax!hslrswi!naz
VOICE:  +41 31 63 2178            BITNET: naz%hslrswi.UUCP@cernvax.BITNET

----------- cut here -------------- cut here -------------------- cut here ---

#klondike.icn	900720	NHA
#The Klondike version of Solitaire.
# Requires ANSI.SYS (or NANSI.SYS) screen driver and a 25-line display.
# -	Undo is not 100%
# TO DO:
# -	Implement an heuristic to discover optimal play strategy,
#	with goal-directed evaluation and suchlike fancy stuff.
#	The basic idea is to tailor find1() such that its first suggestion
#	usually turns out to be the best one.  Measure this by trying the
#	entire tree of possibilities, recording what % of the time the
#	first suggestion was actually the best one.

record card(suit, rank)								#suit is 1..4, rank is 1..13

# constants
global suitID										#suit identification chars
global isDOS										# 1 when running under DOS
global monochrome									# 1 when running Black&White
# Video control strings (ANSI.SYS)
global  ESC
global	Vnormal, Vreverse, Vblink, Vbold, VclearAll, VclearEOL
global  Vred, Vblack								#suit color strings
global color										#list of suit color strings

# variables
global deckUp, deckDown, stackUp, stackDown			#collections of card
global pile											#ace piles - top rank only
global totalGames, totalAces						#statistics
global debugging, automaticAce, shuffling			#command-line flags
global clicking										# 1 for audible feedback
global randomSeed									#determinant for this game
global ops											#list of all operations

#	e r r o r
# Internal consistency check failed -- reveal all and die.
procedure error (x)
	display ()
	runerr (500, x)
end											#error

#	i n i t C o n s t a n t s
# Initialize the program "constants".  These are actually variables that
# are set just once at the beginning of the world.
procedure initConstants ()
local i
	#ensure that we are dealing with an ANSI-compatible screen
	writes ("\33[6n")						#request cursor position report
	#NOTE that the first character to match should be an ESCape.
	#Unfortunately, reads() seems to eat that character
	if  not match ("[", reads (&input, 8))  then
		stop ("Klondike:  requires ANSI.SYS screen driver")

	isDOS := if find("MS-DOS", &host)  then  1  else  0

	if isDOS = 0  then
		monochrome := 1
	else {
		i := ord (Peek([16r40, 16r49]))			#BIOS display mode byte
		case i  of  {
			2		:	monochrome := 1
			3		:	monochrome := 0
			7		:	monochrome := 1
			default	:	stop ("Klondike:  unknown display mode ", i)

	ESC			:= "\33"					#escape character
	VclearAll	:= "\33[2J"					#also homes cursor
	VclearEOL	:= "\33[K"
	Vnormal		:= "\33[0m"
	Vbold		:= "\33[1m"
	Vblink		:= "\33[5m"
	Vreverse	:= "\33[7m"
	if  monochrome = 0  then  {
		Vred	:= "\33[0;47;31m"			# "extra" 0 seems to be necessary
		Vblack	:= "\33[0;47;30m"
	} else {
		Vred	:= Vnormal
		Vblack	:= Vreverse

	# Suits are: 1=Hearts, 2=Diamonds, 3=Clubs, 4=Spades
	suitID := if isDOS ~= 0  then  "\3\4\5\6"  else  "HDCS"
	color := [Vred, Vred, Vblack, Vblack]
end											#initConstants

#	i n i t S c r e e n
# Initialize output and write the fixed parts of the screen.
# initConstants() must have been called earlier.
procedure initScreen ()
local i
	if  monochrome = 0  then  writes ("\33[=3h")	#25x80 color text mode
	else  writes ("\33[=2h")						#25x80 B&W   text mode
	writes (VclearAll, "\33[=7l")					#clear screen, prevent wrap
	every  i := 1 to 7  do
		writeStackNumber (i, Vnormal)
	every  i := 2 to 25  do
		writes ("\33[",i,";",64,"H\272")			#vertical stripe
	writes ("\33[2;64H\311\315\315\315\315SOLITAIRE\315\315\315\315")
end											#initScreen

#	w r i t e S t a c k N u m b e r
# Write the indicated stack number with the specified video attribute.
# Cursor position is preserved -- WARNING: THIS IS NOT NESTABLE.
procedure writeStackNumber (num, attr)
	writes (ESC, "[s")						#save cursor position
	writeCursor (1, [2,11,20,29,38,47,56][num])
	writes (attr, num, Vnormal)
	writes (ESC, "[u")						#restore cursor position
end											#writeStackNumber

#	w r i t e C u r s o r
# Position the cursor to row,col.
# Screen origin (top left corner) is row=1 and col=1.
procedure writeCursor (row, col)
	writes ("\33[", row, ";", col, "H") 
end											#writeCursor

#	w r i t e F r o n t
# Displays an image of the specified card fronts at the specified spot.
# WARNING: this eats the list that you provide -- pass a copy() if you care!!
# Top left corner of the first card will be placed at the specified position.
# Successive cards are displayed two rows higher (lower position on the screen).
# Cursor need not be in any particular position before this, and is left
# in a random position afterwards.  Video is left normal (not reversed).
# Cards are 7 columns wide by 5 rows tall.
# With 25 rows, we can put 12 cards in a stack (assuming we start in row 2).
# But if there are 11 in the stack we can only display 4 rows of the top card.
# If there are 12 cards, we can only display 2 rows of the topmost card.
##We can only write a row at a time due to a problem with ANSI col 80 handling.
procedure writeFront (cardlist, row, col)
local suit, rank, card
	while  card := get(cardlist)  do  {
		#first 2 rows of card
		writeCursor (row+0, col);
		writes (Vreverse, "\332\304\304\304\304\304\277")
		writeCursor (row+1, col);
		writes ("\263", color[card.suit], "A23456789TJQK"[card.rank],
				suitID[card.suit], Vreverse, "   \263")
		if (*cardlist = 0)  &  (row < 24)  then  {
			#next 2 rows of top card unless it's the 12th card on the stack
			writeCursor (row+2, col);
			writes (Vreverse, "\263     \263")
			writeCursor (row+3, col);
			writes ("\263   ", color[card.suit], "A23456789TJQK"[card.rank],
					suitID[card.suit], Vreverse, "\263")
			if row < 22  then  {
				#last row of card unless it's the 11th on the stack
				writeCursor (row+4, col);
				writes ("\300\304\304\304\304\304\331")
		row +:= 2
	writes (Vnormal)
end											#writeFront

#	w r i t e B a c k
# Puts an image of the back of a card at the specified spot on the screen.
# Except that this shows the back instead of the front of the card,
# this is identical to writeFront().
procedure writeBack (row, col)
static backLine
initial {
	backLine := repl ("\260", 7)
	writeCursor (row+0, col);  writes (backLine)
	writeCursor (row+1, col);  writes (backLine)
	writeCursor (row+2, col);  writes (backLine)
	writeCursor (row+3, col);  writes (backLine)
	writeCursor (row+4, col);  writes (backLine)
end											#writeBack

#	w r i t e B l a n k
# Blanks a card-sized area at the specified spot on the screen.
# Except that this writes blanks instead of the back of a card,
# this is identical to writeBack().
procedure writeBlank (row, col)
static blankLine
initial {
	blankLine := repl (" ", 7)
	writeCursor (row+0, col);  writes (blankLine)
	writeCursor (row+1, col);  writes (blankLine)
	writeCursor (row+2, col);  writes (blankLine)
	writeCursor (row+3, col);  writes (blankLine)
	writeCursor (row+4, col);  writes (blankLine)
end											#writeBlank

#	w r i t e S t a c k
# Display the specified stack.  Left end is bottom of stackUp, top of stackDown.
# Stacks start in row 2, column1; with 2 columns between stacks.
# last[] holds, for each stack, the total number of visible cards
# on that stack as of the last time writeStack() was called.  This allows
# us to simply draw (or erase) the cards that have been added (or subtracted).
# By special arrangement, this routine can be called with a negative stack
# number!  This is a hint that our idea of what is on the display is actually
# wrong, and therefore the entire stack needs to be re-displayed.  This can
# happen in two situations:  1) in refreshScreen(), the entire screen is cleared
# before calling writeStack();  2) in undo() when undoing a move between
# stacks, the bottom card needs to be changed, although the normal algorithm
# would consider that it is already correctly displayed.  Note that in neither
# case is the stack shrinking, therefore we don't need to worry about erasing
# any cards that were displayed last time.
procedure writeStack (n)
local row, col, s
static last, blankLine, firstRow, lastRow
initial	{
	last := [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
	blankLine := repl (" ", 7)
	firstRow := [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24]	#first row of a card
	lastRow  := [6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,25,25]	#last row of a card
	if n < 0  then  {
		n := -n
		last[n] := 0							#force complete re-write

	col := 1 + ((n -1) * 9)						#leftmost column for this stack

	if *stackUp[n] <= last[n]  then  {
		#the stack just got smaller (or stayed the same)
		#blank out two rows for each card that has been removed
		row := lastRow[last[n]]					#last row used by top card
		while *stackUp[n] < last[n]  do  {
			writeCursor (row-0, col);  writes (blankLine)
			writeCursor (row-1, col);  writes (blankLine)
			row -:= 2
			last[n] -:= 1						#count and update simultaneously
		if *stackUp[n] ~= last[n]  then  error (last[n])
		#re-write new top card
		if *stackUp[n] = 0  then
			if *stackDown[n] = 0  then
				writeBlank (2, col)
				writeBack (2, col)
			writeFront ([stackUp[n][-1]], firstRow[last[n]], col)
	} else {
		#the stack just got bigger -- display new cards
		s := stackUp[n][last[n]-(*stackUp[n]):0]
		writeFront (s, firstRow[last[n]+1], col)
		last[n] := *stackUp[n]				#remember how much is displayed

	writeCursor (2, (7 + col))
	writes (" 123456???"[1+*stackDown[n]])	#display the number of hidden cards
end											#writeStack

#	w r i t e P i l e
# Displays an image of the specified ace pile, face up (or blank if empty)
procedure writePile (n)
static pileRow, pileCol
initial {
	pileRow := [3,3,9,9]
	pileCol := [66,74,66,74]
	if  0 = pile[n]  then  writeBlank (pileRow[n], pileCol[n])
	else  writeFront ([card(n,pile[n])], pileRow[n], pileCol[n])
end											#writePile

#	w r i t e D e c k D o w n
# Displays an image of deckDown (the face-down deck) in the proper spot.
procedure writeDeckDown ()
	if 0 < *deckDown  then
		writeBack (21, 74)
		writeBlank (21, 74)
	writeCursor (20, 76)
	writes (right(*deckDown, 2))
end											#writeDeckDown

#	w r i t e D e c k U p
# Displays an image of deckUp (the face-up deck) in the proper spot.
procedure writeDeckUp ()
	if 0 < *deckUp  then
		writeFront ([deckUp[1]], 21, 66)
		writeBlank (21, 66)
	writeCursor (20, 68)
	writes (right(*deckUp, 2))
end											#writeDeckUp

#	r e f r e s h S c r e e n
# Re-write entire screen.
procedure refreshScreen ()
local i
	initScreen ()
	every  i := 1 to 7  do
		writeStack (-i)
	every  i := 1 to 4  do
		writePile (i)
	writeDeckDown ()
	writeDeckUp ()
end											#refreshScreen

#	w r i t e I n f o
# Displays a new short string (up to 12 printing characters) in the
# officially approved information area of the screen.
# An empty string results in clearing the area and restoring normal attributes.
procedure writeInfo (s)
	writeCursor (16, 66)
	writes (Vnormal, VclearEOL)
	if  *s ~= 0  then  writes (s)
end											#writeInfo

#	c l i c k
# Make a quick sound to accompany card transfers
procedure click ()
local x
	if (clicking ~= 0)  &  (isDOS ~= 0)  then  {
		x := InPort (16r61)
		OutPort (16r61, 3)
		OutPort (16r61, x)
end											#click

#	g e t C m d C h a r
# Returns an upper-case command character, echoed to current cursor position.
# Fails if character wasn't "normal" and complaint was made.
# For ESC, abort information is written, and ESC is returned.
# Normal calling sequence (from within a command procedure) is thus:
#		until (s := getCmdChar ())
#		if s == ESC  then  fail
procedure getCmdChar ()
local s
	s := getch ()						#get command character
	if  s == "\0"  then  {				#non-ASCII character
		getch ()						#discard keyboard scan code
		complain ()
	s := map (s, &lcase, &ucase)
	if s == ESC  then
		writeInfo (Vbold || "Cmd Aborted.")
		writes (s)							#echo the command character
	return  s
end											#getCmdChar

#	f i t O n S t a c k
# Given a card and a stack number, fail unless card can be added to the stack.
# Note that we disallow putting an Ace on a stack, period.  This prevents
# ever building a stack with 13 cards, which we can't display in 25 rows.
# onto a stack, this problem is avoided.
##This can certainly be done better...
procedure fitOnStack (c, n)
local top													#top card on stack
	if *stackUp[n] = 0  then  {
		if 0 < *stackDown[n]  then  stop ("fitOnStack(): Up empty, Down not");
		if c.rank ~= 13  then  fail			#only a king can go to empty stack
	} else {
		top := stackUp[n][-1]				#copy of top card
		if (c.rank ~= (top.rank - 1))  then  fail			#wrong rank
		if (c.suit < 3)  &  (top.suit < 3)  then  fail		#same color
		if (c.suit > 2)  &  (top.suit > 2)  then  fail		#same color
		if *stackUp[n] = 12  then  fail						#no room for ace
		if c.rank = 1  then  fail							#no ace on stack
	return									#success
end											#fitOnStack

#	c h e c k 4 a c e
# Only has an effect when global automaticAce is set!
# Given a stack number, check for an ace as the top of stackUp.
# If present, move it over to it's ace pile, turn over the next card
# from stackDown, and check again.
# Must not be more than one up card in stack.
# Returns a string of the operations performed.
procedure check4ace (n)
local c, op
	op := ""
	if automaticAce ~= 0  then  {
		if 1 < *stackUp[n]  then  error (*stackUp[n])
		while 0 < *stackUp[n]  do  {
			c := stackUp[n][1]					#copy of (top = bottom) up card
			if c.rank = 1  then  {				#it's an ace!
				pop (stackUp[n])				#remove it from the stack
				pile[c.suit] := 1				#move to ace pile
				op ||:= c.suit
				push (stackUp[n], get(stackDown[n])) #turn over card underneath
				writeStack (n)
				writePile (c.suit)
				click ()
			} else
				break							#not an ace
	return op
end											#check4ace

#	m o v e S t a c k
# Move a stack to another stack, no questions asked.
# Updates video and audio.
# Returns any automatic ace operations that were done as a consequence.
##It would be nice to do this in a visually and audibly more satisfying way
procedure moveStack (src, dst)
local i
	every  i := 1 to *stackUp[src]  do
		put (stackUp[dst], get(stackUp[src]))
	put (stackUp[src], get(stackDown[src]))
	writeStack (src)
	writeStack (dst)
	click ()
	return  check4ace (src)
end											#moveStack

#	a u t o m a t i c
# Run the game, as far as possible, untouched by human hands
procedure automatic ()
local s, thumbCount
	thumbCount := 0
	repeat  {
		if kbhit ()  then
			return							#stopped by human intervention
		if pile[1] = pile[2] = pile[3] = pile[4] = 13  then
			return							#victory
		if s := find1()  then  {
			push (ops, move1 ("M" || s || "0"))
			thumbCount := 0
		} else {							#no good move found -- thumb
			if not (s := thumb())  then
				return						#no cards left to thumb through
			push (ops, s)
			thumbCount :=  if s == "T"  then  thumbCount + 1  else  0
			if ((*deckUp + *deckDown + 2) / 3 + 1)  <  thumbCount  then
				return						#end of the line
end											#automatic

#	c o n t i n u o u s
# Plays automatic games -- forever (or until any keystroke)
procedure continuous()
	writes ("ontinuous")
	repeat  {
		writeInfo (string(totalGames) || "   " || string(totalAces))
		if kbhit()  then  {
			if  getch() == "\0"  then		#eat stopping char(s)
		} else
			totalAces +:= pile[1] + pile[2] + pile[3] + pile[4]
end											#continuous

#	h e l p
# Provide information
procedure help ()
	write (VclearAll, Vnormal)
	write ("Klondike version 1.1  901002 NHA\t\t", &version)
	write ("\n\nThe following commands are available:\n")
	write ("\t^L\tre-draw screen")
	write ("\tA\tAutomatic mode -- plays 1 game by itself until any key is hit")
	write ("\tC\tContinuous mode -- plays games continuously until any key hit")
	if debugging ~= 0  then
		write ("\tD\tDebug")
	write ("\tH,?\tHelp, this help screen")
	write ("\tM\tMove card (or stack) from Deck/Stack to Stack/Ace pile")
	write ("\tQ\tQuit this game")
	write ("\tS\tSuggest (another) possible move")
	write ("\tT\tThumb through the deck")
	write ("\tU\tUndo -- back up one move")
	write ("\tESC\tEscape -- abort current command")

	write ("\n\ntotalGames = ", totalGames, "      totalAces = ", totalAces)
	write ("\n\nPress any key to resume game")
	if  getch() == "\0"  then  getch()
	refreshScreen ()
end											#help

#	m o v e 1
# This is the internal move, taking a operation string.  No Thumbs allowed.
# Upon success it returns the (possibly modified) operation string.
procedure move1 (op)
local src, dst, c, moved
	if op[1] ~== "M"  then  error (op)
	src := op[2]
	dst := op[3]
	moved := 0
	if src == "D"  then  {
		c := deckUp[1]
		if dst == "A"  then  {				# Deck -> Ace
			if c.rank = (pile[c.suit] + 1)  then  {
				op[4] := c.suit				# Deck -> Ace:  fits - do it
				pile[c.suit] +:= 1
				writePile (c.suit)
				moved := 1
			} else
				fail						# Deck -> Ace:  doesn't fit
		} else  {							# Deck -> stack
			if fitOnStack (c, dst)  then {
				put (stackUp[dst], c)		# Deck -> stack:  fits - do it
				writeStack (dst)
				moved := 1
			} else
				fail						# Deck -> stack: doesn't fit
		while moved ~= 0  do  {
			pop (deckUp)
			writeDeckUp ()					# Deck -> somewhere, with success
			click ()
			moved := 0
			if automaticAce ~= 0  then  {
				if (c := deckUp[1]).rank = 1  then  {	#automatic Ace handling
					pile[c.suit] := 1
					op ||:= c.suit
					writePile (c.suit)
					moved := 1
	} else {
		if dst == "A"  then  {				# stack -> Ace
			c := stackUp[src][-1]			#copy of card on top of stack
			if c.rank = (pile[c.suit] + 1)  then  {
				op[4] := c.suit				# stack -> Ace:  fits - do it
				pile[c.suit] +:= 1
				pull (stackUp[src])
				writeStack (src)
				click ()
				writePile (c.suit)
				if *stackUp[src] = 0  then  {
					op[4] +:= 4				#mark this case for undo()
					put (stackUp[src], get(stackDown[src]))	#turn over a card
					writeStack (src)
					click ()
					op ||:= check4ace (src)
			} else {
				fail						# stack -> Ace:  doesn't fit
		} else {							# stack -> stack
			if fitOnStack (stackUp[src][1], dst)  then  {
				op[4] := *stackUp[src]		# stack -> stack:  fits - do it
				op ||:= moveStack (src, dst)
			} else
				fail						# stack -> stack:  doesn't fit
	return  op								#success
end											#move1

#	m o v e
# Move a card from deck to stack, or from stack to ace pile,
# or move a stack to another stack.
# Fails if this is not possible
# This is the routine that interacts with the user.
procedure move ()
local src, dst, c, op, moved
	writes ("ove " || Vbold);

	until (src := getCmdChar ())
	if src == ESC  then  return
	if src == "D"  then  {
		if *deckUp = 0  then  fail
	} else {
		if not any ('1234567', src)  then  fail
		if *stackUp[src] = 0  then  fail
		writeStackNumber (src, Vblink)

	writes (Vnormal || " to " || Vbold)
	until (dst := getCmdChar ())
	if  src ~== "D"  then  writeStackNumber (src, Vnormal)
	if dst == ESC  then  return
	if not any ('A1234567', dst)  then  fail
	if dst == src  then  fail

	return  push (ops, move1("M" || src || dst || "0"))
end											#move

#	f i n d 1
# Find a (reasonable) possible move in this situation
procedure find1 ()
local i, j, k, c
	#look at deckUp to see if the top card fits on a pile
	if c := deckUp[1]  then
		if c.rank = (pile[c.suit] + 1)  then
			suspend "DA"
	#look at deckUp to see if the top card fits on a stack
	if c := deckUp[1]  then
		every i := 1 to 7  do
			if fitOnStack (c, i)  then
				suspend "D" || string(i)
	#look at each stack to see if top card can be put on ace pile
	every i := 1 to 7  do
		if c := stackUp[i][-1]  then		#top card
			if c.rank = (pile[c.suit] + 1)  then
				suspend  string(i) || "A"
	#look at each stack to see if something can be (reasonably) moved
	every i := 7 to 1 by -1  do
		every j := 1 to 7  do
			if fitOnStack (stackUp[i][1], j)  then  {
				if (0 < *stackDown[i])  then
					suspend  string(i) || string(j)
				else {
					# possibility, but since there are no cards hidden under
					# this pile, we reject it UNLESS there are no empty slots
					# AND one of the following is true:
					#	1) deckUp[1].rank = 13
					#	2) there is a king with cards hidden beneath it
					c := 0					#number of empty stacks
					every k := 1 to 7  do
						if *stackUp[k] = 0  then  c +:= 1
					if c = 0  then
						if (deckUp[1].rank = 13)  |
						  (every k := 1 to 7  do
								if (stackUp[k][1].rank = 13) &
								   (0 < *stackDown[k])  then
									break			#success
						suspend  string(i) || string(j)
end											#find1

#	s u g g e s t
# Suggest a (reasonable) possible move in this situation.
# Repeated invocations produce successive possibilities, until the
# only thing left to do is Thumb.  After this, it cycles around to the start.
procedure suggest (another)
static suggestions, i
local s, ss
	writes ("uggest")
	if another = 0  then  {
		suggestions := []					#generate a new list of suggestions
		every put (suggestions, find1())
		i := 0
	if ss := suggestions[i+:=1]  then  {
		s := "Move " ||	if ss[1] == "A"  then  "Ace"
						else if ss[1] == "D"  then  "Deck"
						else ss[1]
		s ||:= " to " || if ss[2] == "A"  then  "Ace" else ss[2]
		writeInfo (s)
	} else {
		writeInfo ("Thumb")
		i := 0
end											#suggest

#	t h u m b
# Move to next spot in deckDown
# Returns the operation performed (usually just "T"), or fail if none possible.
procedure thumb ()
local c, op, moved
	if *deckDown = *deckUp = 0  then
		return complain()						#no cards left in the deck
	op := "T"
	if *deckDown = 0  then
		while push (deckDown, pop(deckUp))
	push (deckUp, get(deckDown))
	push (deckUp, get(deckDown))
	push (deckUp, get(deckDown))
	moved := 1
	writeDeckDown ()
	while moved ~= 0  do  {
		writeDeckUp ()
		click ()
		moved := 0
		if automaticAce ~= 0  then  {
			if (c := deckUp[1]).rank = 1  then  {
				pop (deckUp)
				pile[c.suit] := 1
				op ||:= c.suit
				writePile (c.suit)
				moved := 1
	return op
end											#thumb

#	u n d o
# backup one move, including any automatic ace moves
procedure undo ()
local op, suit
	writes ("ndo")
	if op := pop (ops)  then  {
		writeInfo (op)
		# op looks like:  Msdixxx
		# where x is an [optional] number 1..4 of an ace pile
		# and s is either a stack number or "D"
		# and d is either "A" or a number 1..7 of a stack
		# and i is an extra piece of info which may be valid
		case op[1]  of   {
		"M"		:	{
					if (*op < 4) | ((automaticAce = 0) & (4 < *op))  then
						error (op)
					if op[2] == "D"  then  {
						#Move cards from Ace piles to deck, starting at end
						while 4 < *op  do  {
							suit := op[-1]
							pile[suit] := 0
							writePile (suit)
							push (deckUp, card(suit,1))
							writeDeckUp ()
							click ()
							op[-1] := ""
						if op[3] == "A"  then  {
							# unMove Deck to Ace op[4]
							suit := op[4]
							push (deckUp, card(suit,pile[suit]))
							pile[suit] -:= 1
							writePile (suit)
						} else {
							# unMove Deck to stack op[3]
							push (deckUp, pull(stackUp[op[3]]))
							writeStack (op[3])
						writeDeckUp ()
					} else {
						#Move cards from Ace piles to stack, starting at end
						while 4 < *op  do  {
							suit := op[-1]
							pile[suit] := 0
							writePile (suit)
							if 1 < *stackUp[op[2]]  then error (*stackUp[op[2]])
							push (stackDown[op[2]], pull(stackUp[op[2]]))
							push (stackUp[op[2]], card(suit,1))
							writeStack (op[2])
							click ()
							op[-1] := ""
						if op[3] == "A"  then  {
							# unMove stack op[2] to Ace pile op[4]
							suit := op[4]
							if 4 < suit  then  {
								suit -:= 4		#ace pile card was last on stack
								if 1 < *stackUp[op[2]]  then
									error (*stackUp[op[2]])
								push (stackDown[op[2]], pull(stackUp[op[2]]))
							put (stackUp[op[2]], card(suit,pile[suit]))
							pile[suit] -:= 1
							writePile (suit)
							writeStack (op[2])
						} else {
							# unMove top op[4] cards on stack op[2]
							# to stack op[3]
							if 1 < *stackUp[op[2]]  then error (*stackUp[op[2]])
							push (stackDown[op[2]], pull(stackUp[op[2]]))
							every 1 to op[4]  do
								push (stackUp[op[2]], pull(stackUp[op[3]]))
							writeStack (op[3])
							writeStack (-op[2])
		"T"		:	{
					if (automaticAce = 0) & (*op ~= 1)  then  error (op)
					### op looks like:  Txx
					### where x is an optional number 1..4 of an ace pile
					### There can be 0,1,2,3, or 4 of these x's.
					# move cards from Ace piles to deck, starting at end
					while 1 < *op  do  {
						suit := op[-1]
						pile[suit] := 0
						writePile (suit)
						push (deckUp, card(suit,1))
						writeDeckUp ()
						click ()
						op[-1] := ""
					# then undo the Thumb operation itself
					if *deckUp = 0  then
						while push(deckUp, pop(deckDown))
					else {
						push (deckDown, pop(deckUp))
						until (*deckUp % 3) = 0  do
							push (deckDown, pop(deckUp))
					writeDeckUp ()
					writeDeckDown ()
		default	:	stop ("Klondike: unknown operation `", op, "' in ops[]")
		click ()
	} else
		writeInfo ("Stack Empty")

end											#undo

#	c o m p l a i n
# Let the boob know he done something wrong
procedure complain ()
local i, x
	writeInfo (Vbold || "INVALID")
	if isDOS ~= 0  then  {
		x := InPort (16r61)
		every i := 1 to 22 do
			OutPort (16r61, 3)
		OutPort (16r61, x)
end											#complain

#	t e r m i n a t e
# Parameter should be non-zero if termination is due to complete success.
# Returns success to quit this game and start another.
# Returns failure to just continue this game.j
# If program termination is wished, that is done right here.
procedure terminate (victory)
local s, avg
	if victory ~= 0  then  {
		writeCursor (12, 22)
		writes (Vbold, "Congratulations -- You've WON !!!", Vnormal)
		s := "Y"
	} else {
		writes ("uit? ")
		until (s := getCmdChar ())
		if s == ESC  then  fail				#abort the quit command
	if s == "Y"  then  {
		writeInfo (Vbold || "Another game? ")
		until (s := getCmdChar ())
		if s == ESC  then  fail()			#didn't really want to quit anyway
		if s == "Y"  then  return			#please start a new game

		#program termination requested
		writes ("\33[=7h", Vnormal)			#set cursor wrap mode, normal attr
		writeCursor (17, 1)
		totalAces +:= pile[1] + pile[2] + pile[3] + pile[4]
		if 1 < totalGames  then  {
			avg := string (real(totalAces) / real(totalGames))
			if 4 < *avg  then  avg := avg[1+:4]
			write (VclearAll, "In ", totalGames, " games, you put ", totalAces,
			  " cards on the ace piles, for an average of ", avg, " per game")
		} else 
			writes (VclearAll, "You put ", totalAces, " cards on the ace piles")
		exit ()
	} else
		fail								#oops!  didn't really want to quit
end											#terminate

#	s h o w L i s t
# Display a list of cards at the current cursor position.
# Intended for debugging only .
procedure showList (lst)
local i, c
	every  i := 1 to *lst  do  {
		c := lst[i]
		writes (color[c.suit], "A23456789TJQK"[c.rank], suitID[c.suit],
				Vnormal, " ")
end											#showList

#	c a r d 2 s t r
# Given a list of card records, returns a string representation.
# WARNING: this eats the list, so you might want to pass a copy().
# Intended for debugging only.
procedure card2str (ll)
local c, s
	s := ""
	while c := get(ll)  do
		s ||:= string(c.suit) || "123456789abcd"[c.rank]
	return s
end											#card2str

#	s t r 2 c a r d
# Given a string [as generated by card2str()],
# return corresponding list of card records
procedure str2card (s)
local cc, i
	cc := []
	i := 0
	while put (cc, card(s[i+:=1], integer("14r"||s[i+:=1])))
	return cc
end											#str2card

#	d e b u g
# Additional commands to support the implementer are done here.
procedure debug ()
local s, d, c, f, name
	writes ("ebug ")
	until (s := getCmdChar ())
	case s  of  {
		ESC		:	fail
		"A"		:	{
					writes ("gain")
					&random := randomSeed
					writeCursor (23, 1)
					write (Vbold, "&random set.  Quit to play this game again.",
							Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"H"|"?"	:	{
					writes (if s == "?" then "[help]" else "elp")
					writeCursor (23, 1)
					write (Vbold,
				     "Again, Options, Move, Peek{1-7UD}, Restore, Save, Toggle{ACDST}.",
					 Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"M"		:	{
					writes ("ove ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())	#Source
					if s == ESC  then  fail
					if s == "A"  then  fail
					until (d := getCmdChar ())	#Destination
					if d == ESC  then  fail
					if d == s  then  fail
					if not any('1234567', d)  then  fail
					if s == "D"  then  {
						if *deckUp = 0  then  fail
						put (stackUp[d], get(deckUp))
						writeDeckUp ()
						writeStack (d)
						push (ops, "MD" || d || "0")
					} else {
						moveStack (s, d)
						push (ops, "M" || s || d || "0")
		"O"		:	{
					writes ("ptions")
					writeCursor (23, 1)
					write (Vbold,
					 "automaticAce=", automaticAce, " shuffling=", shuffling,
					 " random seed=", randomSeed, " clicking=", clicking, ".",
					 Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"P"		:	{
					writes ("eek ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					if s == ESC  then  fail
					writeCursor (23, 1)
					writes (VclearEOL, Vnormal)
					if any('1234567', s)  then
						showList (stackDown[s])
					else if s == "D"  then
						showList (deckDown)
					else if s == "U"  then
						showList (deckUp)
						complain ()
		"R"		:	{
					writes ("estore")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					if s == ESC  then  fail
					name := "klondike.sv" || s
					writeCursor (23, 1)
					if not (f := open (name, "r"))  then
						write (Vbold, "Can't read file ", name, ".",
								Vnormal, VclearEOL)
					else {
						write (Vbold, "Restoring position from file ", name,
								Vnormal, VclearEOL)
						automaticAce := read (f, automaticAce)
						clicking     := read (f)
						randomSeed   := read (f)
						shuffling    := read (f)
						&random      := read (f)
						totalGames   := read (f)
						totalAces    := read (f)
						every c := 1 to 4  do
							pile[c] := read (f)
						every c := 1 to 7  do  {
							stackUp[c]   := str2card (read(f))
							stackDown[c] := str2card (read(f))
						deckUp   := str2card (read(f))
						deckDown := str2card (read(f))
						ops := []
						while push (ops, read (f))
						close (f) | stop ("Klondike: close failed")
		"S"		:	{
					writes ("ave ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					if s == ESC  then  fail
					name := "klondike.sv" || s
					writeCursor (23, 1)
					if not (f := open (name, "c"))  then
						write (Vbold, "Can't create file ", name, ".",
								Vnormal, VclearEOL)
					else {
						write (f, automaticAce)
						write (f, clicking)
						write (f, randomSeed)
						write (f, shuffling)
						write (f, &random)
						write (f, totalGames)
						write (f, totalAces)
						every c := 1 to 4  do
							write (f, pile[c])
						every c := 1 to 7  do  {
							write (f, card2str(copy(stackUp[c])))
							write (f, card2str(copy(stackDown[c])))
						write (f, card2str(copy(deckUp)))
						write (f, card2str(copy(deckDown)))
						while write (f, pull(ops))
						close (f) | stop ("Klondike: close failed")
						write (Vbold, "Position saved in file ",name,
								Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"T"		:	{
					writes ("oggle ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					if s == ESC  then  fail
					case s  of  {
						"A"		: automaticAce:= if automaticAce=0 then 1 else 0
						"C"		: clicking  := if clicking  = 0 then  1 else  0
						"D"		: debugging	:= if debugging = 0 then  1 else  0
						"S"		: shuffling	:= if shuffling = 0 then  1 else  0
						"T"		: &trace    := if &trace    = 0 then -1 else  0
						default	: complain ()
					}									#case for Toggle
		default	:	complain ()
	}											#case for Debug command
end											#debug

#	n e w G a m e
# Set up all the global variables for a new game
procedure newGame ()
local i, j, s
	totalGames +:= 1
	initScreen ()

#initialize deck, stacks, piles
	ops       := []							#no operations done yet
	deckUp    := []							#deck in hand, face-up
	deckDown  := []							#deck in hand, face-down
	stackUp   := list(7, 0)					#columns on table, face up
	stackDown := list(7, 0)					#columns on table, face down
	pile      := list(4, 0)					#aces - only top rank stored
	every  i := 1 to 4  do
		every  j := 1 to 13  do
			put (deckDown, card(i, j))		#take cards out of the box
	if shuffling ~= 0  then  {
		writeInfo (Vblink || "Shuffling")
		every 1 to 100 do
			?deckDown :=: ?deckDown
		writeInfo ("")
	every  i := 1 to 7  do  {
		stackDown[i] := []
		stackUp[i]   := []
	every  i := 1 to 7  do  {
		push (stackUp[i], get(deckDown))
###		writeStack (-i)
		click ()
		every  j := (i+1) to 7  do  {
			push (stackDown[j], get(deckDown))
###			writeStack (-j)
			click ()
		writeStack (-i)

every  i := 1 to 7  do
	if *(s := check4ace (i)) ~= 0  then
		push (ops, "M" || string(i) || "A" || string(integer(s) + 4))
end											#newGame

#	m a i n
procedure main (av)
local s, prevsCmd


#deal with command-line parameters
	debugging		:= 0					# default is no debugging allowed
	clicking		:= 1					# audible feedback sometimes helps
	automaticAce	:= 1					# default is automatic ace handling
	shuffling		:= 1					# default is shuffle the deck
	&random := map (&clock, ":", "0")		# default is randomize the seed
	while  s := get (av)  do
		case  map (s, &lcase, &ucase)  of  {
			"-A"	:	automaticAce := 0	#disable automatic ace handling
			"-C"	:	clicking	 := 0			#run silent
			"-D"	:	debugging	 := 1			#grant all sorts of perqs
			"-R"	:	&random      := get (av)	#unrandomize
			"-S"	:	shuffling	 := 0			#don't shuffle the deck
			default	:	{ write ("klondike  [-ACDS]  [-R randomSeed]")
						  stop("klondike: bogus option ", s)  }
	randomSeed := &random						#remember for debug()
	totalGames := 0								#games played
	totalAces  := 0								#cards put on ace piles

	repeat  {									#game loop
		prevsCmd := "x"							#anything but "S"uggest

	#respond to user input
		repeat  {									#command loop
			writeCursor (18, 66)
			writes (VclearEOL || Vnormal || "> ")	#clear command line
			if pile[1] = pile[2] = pile[3] = pile[4] = 13  then
				if terminate (1) then break			# VICTORY!
			s := getCmdChar ()
			writeInfo ("")							#clear info line
			writeCursor (18, 69)
			case  s  of  {
				"?"		:	help()
				"A"		:	{
							writes ("utomatic")
							automatic()						#look Ma, no hands!
							if kbhit()  then
								if  getch() == "\0"  then  getch()
				"C"		:	continuous()					#no hands, forever
				"D"		:	if debugging = 0  then  complain()  else  debug()
				"H"		:	help()
				"M"		:	if not move() then complain()
				"Q"		:	if terminate(0) then break		#new game
				"S"		:	suggest (if s == prevsCmd then 1 else 0)
				"T"		:	{ writes ("humb");  push (ops, thumb()) }
				"U"		:	undo()
				"\14"	:	refreshScreen ()				#^L
				ESC		:	s								#do nothing
				default	:	complain ()
			}								#case
			prevsCmd := s
		}									#repeat command
		totalAces +:= pile[1] + pile[2] + pile[3] + pile[4]
	}										#repeat game
end											#main
PAPER:  Norman Azadian; Ascom AG; Belpstrasse 23; 3000 Berne 14; Switzerland
X.400:  naz@hslrswi.hasler
UUCP:   ...{uunet,ukc,mcvax,...}!cernvax!hslrswi!naz
VOICE:  +41 31 63 2178            BITNET: naz%hslrswi.UUCP@cernvax.BITNET