(E S Atwell) (10/03/90)
I mailed icon-project@edu.arizona.cs asking for any Icon implemetations of Neural Networks; the reply came that the Icon project team didnt have any, but other subscribers to icon-group might. Is there anyone else out there interested in neural nets, who can help us? cf the following: From eric Mon Oct 1 12:22:38 1990 Subject: Neural Networks Are there any Icon implementations of neural networks that you know of? I have an eural network simulator package for Sun workstations (NeuralWare) which requires input and outputs to be specified as numerical values in a file; I am experimenting with language processing (specifically, parsing), so need to convert my training data (a Treebank or Corpus of syntax-trees for parsed English text samples) into numerical form. I have started with varoius Icon reformatting programs to transform the trees into required input/output training format; but it struck me that it would be much neater to do the whole thing in a single icon program, rather than Icon programs interfacing to a 'black box' package. Any suggestions? I couldnt find anything suitable in the library programs availale by FTP from edu.arizona.cs. Thanks for any help you can offer. The AI Division here at Leeds has only recently been established (over the past year we have swelled from 5 to 10 teaching staff, and we're just setting up new courses including a BSc in Cognitive Science), so this may be a good time to impress my new colleagues with the versatility and elegance of Icon (opinion is split between Pop-11, Prolog, Lisp, and C at the moment). Eric Steven Atwell Centre for Computer Analysis of Language And Speech (CCALAS) Artificial Intelligence Division, School of Computer Studies phone: +44 532 335761 Leeds University FAX: +44 532 335468 Leeds LS2 9JT JANET: England EARN/BITNET/ARPA:
shafto@EOS.ARC.NASA.GOV (Michael Shafto) (10/04/90)
I played around with neural nets in Icon a few years ago. Bottom line: the flexibility of Icon in manipulating lists and other data structures was a big plus at development time, but you would want to be in C for serious work due to the hard requirement for raw speed (plus the complexity of your program is not a real driving factor in this kind of work). Mike