[comp.lang.icon] Klondike solitaire, v3.01, part 2/6

naz@hslrswi.hasler.ascom.ch (Norman H. Azadian) (04/21/91)

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	klonstr.icn
#	getchlib.icn
# This archive created: Sun Apr 21 15:03:15 1991
# By:	Norman H. Azadian (Hasler AG)
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'klonstr.icn'" '(5135 characters)'
if test -f 'klonstr.icn'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'klonstr.icn'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'klonstr.icn'
#klonstr.icn	910309	NHA
#Routines to implement strategic play for klondike solitaire.
#For each strategy there is a procedure with the same name.
#findBest() is the interface to the rest of klondike.

#	t a k e F i r s t
# This strategy is the simplest possible, simply taking the first suggestion
# proffered by suggest().  Equivalent to find1().
# Note that it is therefore dependent on the exact implementation of suggest().
# When Thumbing, terminate upon second occurrence of *deckDown = 0.
procedure takeFirst ()
local emptySeen, s
	until (\emptySeen) & (*deckDown = 0)  do  {
		/emptySeen  :=  (*deckDown = 0)
		(s := suggest())  &  return (s || "0")		#good move found
		((*deckUp + *deckDown) = 0)  &  break		#no cards to thumb through
		writeInfo (Vbold || "T" || Vnormal || "humb")
		push (ops, thumb())
	fail									#nothing left to do
end											#takeFirst

#	i n t e r a c t i v e
# For multi-choice positions, allows the user to choose.
procedure interactive ()
local suggestions, emptySeen, s, op
	until (\emptySeen) & (*deckDown = 0)  do  {
		/emptySeen  :=  (*deckDown = 0)
		suggestions := []					#generate a new list of suggestions
		every put (suggestions, suggest())
		(1 = *suggestions)  &  (return (suggestions[1] || "0"))	#one possibility
		if (1 < *suggestions)  then  {					#multiple -- user picks
			outputAt (lineCount, 40, VclearEOL, Vreverse)
			every s := !suggestions  do  writes (s[2:0], " ")
			writeInfo (Vblink || "choose a move")
			until any(cset("123456789abc"[1+:*suggestions]), (s := getch()))  do
			op := suggestions["16r" || s]
			outputAt (lineCount, 40, VclearEOL, Vnormal)
			every s := !suggestions  do
				if s == op  then
					output (Vreverse, op[2:0], Vnormal, " ")
					writes (s[2:0], " ")
			return (op || "0")
		# no useful moves found -- thumb
		((*deckUp + *deckDown) = 0)  &  break		#no cards to thumb through
		writeInfo (Vbold || "T" || Vnormal || "humb")
		push (ops, thumb())
	fail									#nothing left to do
end											#interactive

#	d e c k F i r s t
# The idea here is that, if possible, nothing will get done in this
# pass through the deck until a card has been taken from the deck.
# Otherwise, the strategy is simply takeFirst.
# We run with automaticAce disabled simply so we can know when
# we take one from the deck.
# Since there is no way to know that we are starting a new game, we cannot
# guarantee that the flags are correct in the event of user intervention.
procedure deckFirst ()
local s
static taken, modified
initial	{
	taken := &null							#assume nothing taken from deck yet
	modified := &null						#nothing done yet on this pass
	automaticAce := &null
	repeat {
		every s := suggest()  do
			if (\taken) | (s[2] == "D")  then  {
				modified := taken := 1		#[sic]
				return (s || "0")
		((*deckUp + *deckDown) = 0)  &  break		#no cards to thumb through
		writeInfo (Vbold || "T" || Vnormal || "humb")
		push (ops, thumb())
		if 0 = *deckDown  then				#end of a pass through the deck
			if \modified  then
				modified := taken := &null	#normal case -- reset flags
				if \taken then
					break					#nothing left to do  [sic]
					taken := 1				#allow other moves for next pass
	modified := taken := null				#reset flags for next game
	fail									#nothing useful left to do
end											#deckFirst

#	f i n d B e s t
# If called with a parameter, the parameter is taken to be the name of a play
# strategy and is saved for future use by findBest() after sanity checking.
# An empty string is taken to be a request to use the default strategy.
# Note that, at least for now, the name of the strategy procedure is
# necessarily identical to the name of the strategy.
# If called without any parameter, returns with the move selected by the
# pre-determined strategy routine.
# Largely for hysterical raisons, strategy routines are expected to do their
# own Thumbing until either they find a good move to return, or they decide
# there is no point to continuing and so return failure.
# Strategy routines are expected to keep the user informed of any moves
# (e.g. Thumbing) that they do before returning.
# Note that the strategy procedure may decide it is necessary to
# unilaterally disable the automaticAce option during its execution.
# Therefore automaticAce is saved here and restored before returning.
# However, if the strategy procedure leaves automaticAce intact, then
# any Ace uncovered whilst thumbing will be automaticall moved and the
# search will continue.  It does not count as a move.
procedure findBest (s)
static strategies, strategyProc
local automaticAceSave
initial {
	strategies := set ( ["takeFirst", "interactive", "deckFirst"] )
	if \s  then  {							#remember strategy
		(s == "")  &  (s := "takeFirst")	#default strategy
		(s == !strategies)  |  stop ("klondike: unknown strategy  ", s)
		strategyProc := (strategy := s)		#remember for future use
	} else {								#execute strategy
		automaticAceSave := automaticAce
		s := strategyProc()
		automaticAce := automaticAceSave
		(s === &null)  &  fail
	return s
end											#findBest
if test 5135 -ne "`wc -c < 'klonstr.icn'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'klonstr.icn'" '(should have been 5135 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'getchlib.icn'" '(9166 characters)'
if test -f 'getchlib.icn'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'getchlib.icn'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'getchlib.icn'
#	Name:	 getchlib.icn
#	Title:	 Implementation of getch() for Unix (and more)
#	Author:	 Richard L. Goerwitz
#	Version: 1.13
#  I place this and future versions of getchlib in the public domain - RLG
#  Implementing getch() is a much, much more complex affair under Unix
#  than it is under, say, MS-DOS.  This library represents one,
#  solution to the problem - one which can be run as a library, and
#  need not be compiled into the run-time system.  Note that it will
#  not work on all systems.  In particular, certain Suns (with a
#  screwy stty command) and the NeXT 1.0 OS (lacking the -g option for
#  stty) do not run getchlib properly.  See the bugs section below for
#  workarounds.
#  Four basic utilities are included here:
#	getch()		- waits until a keystroke is available &
#	    returns it without displaying it on the screen
#	getche()	- same as getch() only with echo
#	getse(s)	- like getche() only for strings.  The optional
#	    argument s gives getse() something to start with.  Use this
#           if, say, you want to read single characters in cbreak mode,
#           but get more input if the character read is the first part
#           of a longer command.  If the user backspaces over everything
#           that has been input, getse() fails.  Returns on \r or \n.
#	reset_tty()	- absolutely vital routine for putting the cur-
#           rent tty line back into cooked mode; call it before exiting
#           or you will find yourself with a locked-up terminal; use it
#           also if you must temporarily restore the terminal to cooked
#           mode
#  Note that getse() *must* be used in place of read(&input) if you
#  are planning on using getch() or getche(), since read(&input)
#  assumes a tty with "sane" settings.
#  Warning:  The routines below do not do any sophisticated output
#  processing.  As noted above, they also put your tty line in raw
#  mode.  I know, I know:  "Raw is overkill - use cbreak."  But in
#  a world that includes SysV, one must pick a lowest common denomi-
#  nator.  And no, icanon != cbreak.
#  BUGS: These routines will not work on systems that do not imple-
#  ment the -g option for the stty command.  The NeXT workstation is
#  an example of such a system.  Tisk, tisk.  If you have a SunOS stty
#  that is too clever (read stupid) to write its output to a pipe,
#  then substitute /usr/5bin/stty (or whatever your system calls the
#  System V stty command) for /bin/stty in this file.  If you have no
#  SysV stty command online, then you can try replacing every instance
#  of "stty -g 2>&1" below with "stty -g 2>&1 1> /dev/tty" or
#  something similar.
#  Example program:
#      The following program is a simple file viewer.  To run, it
#  needs to be linked with itlib.icn, iscreen.icn, and this file
#  (getchlib.icn).
#  procedure main(a)
#      # Simple pager/file searcher for Unix systems.  Must be linked
#      # with itlib.icn and iscreen.icn.
#      local intext, c, s
#      # Open input file
#      intext := open(a[1],"r") | {
#  	write(&errout,"Can't open input file.")
#  	exit(1)
#      }
#      # Initialize screen
#      clear()
#      print_screen(intext) | exit(0)
#      # Prompt & read input
#      repeat {
#  	iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, getval("li")))
#  	emphasize()
#  	writes("More? (y/n or /search):")
#  	write_ce(" ")
#  	case c := getche() of {
#  	    "y" : print_screen(intext) | break
#  	    " " : print_screen(intext) | break
#  	    "n" : break
#  	    "q" : break
#  	    "/" : {
#  		iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, getval("li")))
#  		emphasize()
#  		writes("Enter search string:")
#  		write_ce(" ")
#  		pattern := GetMoreInput()
#  		/pattern | "" == pattern & next
#  		# For more complex patterns, use findre() (IPL findre.icn)
#  		if not find(pattern, s := !intext) then {
#  		    iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, getval("li")))
#  		    emphasize()
#  		    write_ce("String not found.")
#  		    break
#  		}
#  		else print_screen(intext, s) | break
#  	    }
#  	}
#      }
#      reset_tty()
#      write()
#      exit(0)
#  end
#  procedure GetMoreInput(c)
#      local input_string
#      static BS
#      initial BS := getval("bc") | "\b"
#      /c := ""
#      if any('\n\r', chr := getch())
#      then return c
#      else {
#  	chr == BS & fail
#  	writes(chr)
#  	input_string := getse(c || chr) | fail
#  	if any('\n\r', input_string)
#  	then fail else (return input_string)
#      }
#  end
#  procedure print_screen(f,s)
#      if /s then
#  	begin := 1
#      # Print top line, if one is supplied
#      else {
#  	iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, 1))
#  	write_ce(s ? tab(getval("co") | 0))
#  	begin := 2
#      }
#      # Fill the screen with lines from f; clear and fail on EOF.
#      every i := begin to getval("li") - 1 do {
#  	iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, i))
#  	if not write_ce(read(f) ? tab(getval("co") | 0)) then {
#  	    # Clear remaining lines on the screen.
#  	    every j := i to getval("li") do {
#  		iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, j))
#  		iputs(getval("ce"))
#  	    }
#  	    iputs(igoto(getval("cm"), 1, i))
#  	    fail
#  	}
#      }
#      return
#  end
#  procedure write_ce(s)
#      normal()
#      iputs(getval("ce")) |
#  	writes(repl(" ",getval("co") - *s))
#      writes(s)
#      return
#  end
#  Requires: UNIX
#  Links: itlib.icn

global c_cc, current_mode		# what mode are we in, raw or cooked?
record termio_struct(vintr,vquit,verase,vkill)

procedure getse(s)

    # getse() - like getche, only for strings instead of single chars
    # This procedure *must* be used instead of read(&input) if getch
    # and/or getche are to be used, since these put the current tty
    # line in raw mode.
    # Note that the buffer can be initialized by calling getse with a
    # string argument.  Note also that, as getse now stands, it will
    # fail if the user backspaces over everything that has been input.
    # This change does not coincide with its behavior in previous ver-
    # sions.  It can be changed by commenting out the line "if *s < 1
    # then fail" below, and uncommenting the line "if *s < 1 then
    # next."

    local chr
    static BS
    initial {
	BS := getval("bc") | "\b"
	if not getval("bs") then {
	    stop("Your terminal can't backspace!")

    /s := ""
    repeat {
	case chr := getch() | fail of {
	    "\r"|"\n"    : return s
	    c_cc.vkill   : {
		if *s < 1 then next
		every 1 to *s do writes(BS)
		s := ""
	    c_cc.verase   : {
		# if *s < 1 then next
		writes(BS) & s := s[1:-1]
		if *s < 1 then fail
	    default: writes(chr) & s ||:= chr


procedure setup_tty()

procedure reset_tty()

    # Reset (global) mode switch to &null to show we're in cooked mode.
    current_mode := &null


procedure getch()

    local chr

    # If the global variable current_mode is null, then we have to
    # reset the terminal to raw mode.
    if /current_mode := 1 then

    chr := reads(&input)
    case chr of {
	c_cc.vintr : reset_tty() & stop()  # shouldn't hard code this in
	c_cc.vquit  : reset_tty() & stop()
	default : return chr


procedure getche()

    local chr

    # If the global variable current_mode is null, then we have to
    # reset the terminal to raw mode.
    if /current_mode := 1 then

    chr := reads(&input)
    case chr of {
	c_cc.vintr  : reset_tty() & stop()
	c_cc.vquit  : reset_tty() & stop()
	default : writes(chr) & return chr


procedure change_tty_mode(switch)

    # global c_cc   (global record containing values for kill, etc. chars)
    local get_term_params, i
    static reset_string
    initial {
	getval("li")    # check to be sure itlib is set up
	find("unix",map(&features)) |
	    stop("change_tty_mode:  These routines must run under Unix.")
	get_term_params := open("/bin/stty -g 2>&1","pr")
	reset_string := !get_term_params
	reset_string ? {
	    # tab upto the fifth field of the output of the stty -g cmd
	    # fields of stty -g seem to be the same as those of the
	    # termio struct, except that the c_line field is missing
	    every 1 to 4 do tab(find(":")+1)
	    c_cc := termio_struct("\x03","\x1C","\x08","\x15")
	    every i := 1 to 3 do {
		c_cc[i] := char(integer("16r"||tab(find(":"))))
	    c_cc[i+1] := char(integer("16r"||tab(0)))

    if switch == "setup"
    then system("/bin/stty -echo raw")
    else system("/bin/stty "||reset_string)


if test 9166 -ne "`wc -c < 'getchlib.icn'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'getchlib.icn'" '(should have been 9166 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
PAPER:  Norman Azadian; Ascom AG; Belpstrasse 23; 3000 Berne 14; Switzerland
INTERNET:  naz%hslrswi.uucp@uunet.uu.net
UUCP:   ...{uunet,ukc,mcvax,...}!chx400!hslrswi!naz
VOICE:  +41 31 63 2178            BITNET: naz%hslrswi.UUCP@cernvax.BITNET