[comp.lang.icon] Klondike solitaire, v3.01, part 3/6

naz@hslrswi.hasler.ascom.ch (Norman H. Azadian) (04/21/91)

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	klondike.icn
# This archive created: Sun Apr 21 15:03:59 1991
# By:	Norman H. Azadian (Hasler AG)
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'klondike.icn'" '(19820 characters)'
if test -f 'klondike.icn'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'klondike.icn'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'klondike.icn'
#klondike.icn	901207	NHA
#The Klondike version of Solitaire; main program and command routines.
# TO DO:
# -	Add a "cheated" flag ??
# -	Find a better way to determine isPC.
# -	Implement an heuristic to discover optimal play

link	kloncon								#klondike console I/O subroutines
link	klonstr								#klondike strategy subroutines
link	klonsub								#klondike miscellaneous subroutines

record card(suit, rank)						#suit is 1..4, rank is 1..13

#	v a r i a b l e s
# lists of record card
global deckUp								#face Up portion of deck (stock)
global deckDown								#face Down portion of deck
global stackUp								#list of face Up cards per stack
global stackDown							#list of face Down cards per stack
# others
global pile									#ace piles - top rank only
global ops									#list of all operations ever done
global isDOS, isPC							# "state of our world" flags
global debugging, automaticAce				#command-line flags
global invisible, isQuiet					# for visual and audible feedback
global strategy								#strategy to use for automatic play
global directory, phraseFile				#pathnames
global firstSeed, lastSeed					#&random remembered
global totalGames, totalAces, totalWins		#ace pile statistics

#	u h e l p
# Provide command summary for user, plus statistics to date, if any.
procedure uhelp ()
local row, info
static helpInfo
initial	{
	helpInfo := [
		["A", "Automatic", " mode -- finish out this game on automatic pilot"],
		["B", "Boss", " key for when you-know-who visits"],
		["C","Continuous"," mode -- play games continuously until interrupted"],
		["F", "Find", " (next) useful move to do"],
		["H,?", "Help", ", this help screen"],
		["M", "Move", " card (or stack) from Deck/Stack to Stack/Ace pile"],
		["Q", "Quit", " this game"],
		["S", "Suggest", " (another) possible move"],
		["T", "Thumb", " through the deck"],
		["U", "Undo", " -- back up one move"],
		["Z", "Debug", ""],
		["^L", "re-draw", " screen"],
		["ESC", "Escape", " -- abort current command"]
	output (VclearAll, Vnormal)
	output ("Klondike version 3.01  910330 NHA\t\t", &version)
	outputAt (4, 4, "The following commands are available:")
	row := 6
	every info := !helpInfo  do
		if (\debugging)  |  (info[1] ~== "Z")  then  {
			outputAt (row,  8, Vbold, info[1])
			outputAt (row, 16, info[2], Vnormal, info[3])
			row +:= 1

	if 0 < totalGames  then
		writeAt (21, 1, "totalGames = ", totalGames,
				"   totalWins = ", totalWins,
				"   totalAces = ", totalAces,
				"   average = ",
				left (string(real(totalAces) / real(totalGames)), 6) )
	outputAt (24, 20, Vblink, "Press any key to resume game", Vnormal)
	(getch() == "\0")  &  getch()			#wait for a keystroke & swallow it
	refreshScreen ()
end											#uhelp

#	f i n d 1
# Find the best move, thumbing as necessary to achieve it.
# Return the operation string for that move.
# Fails if there is nothing useful left to do.
# When Thumbing, fails upon second occurrence of *deckDown = 0.
# This is an internal routine but it does keep the user informed.
# Note that if automaticAce is set, any Ace uncovered whilst thumbing
# will be automatically moved and the search will continue.
procedure find1 ()
local emptySeen, s
	repeat  {
		/emptySeen  :=  (*deckDown = 0)
		(s := suggest())  &  return (s || "0")		#good move found
		((*deckUp + *deckDown) = 0)  &  fail		#no cards to thumb through
		writeInfo (Vbold || "T" || Vnormal || "humb")
		push (ops, thumb())
		(\emptySeen)  &  (*deckDown = 0)  &  fail	#no point Thumbing forever
end											#find1

#	u f i n d
# Thumb as necessary until a reasonable move appears, then stop and suggest it.
# When nothing is left to do, suggest "Quit".
# When invoked twice in a row, again will be non-null and we should take the
# previous suggestion and find the next.
# Returns success to request termination.
# Note that the suggestion is not necessarily the "best" suggestion.
# Note that if automaticAce is set, an uncovered Ace will be automatically
# moved and the search will continue.  It does not count as a move.
procedure ufind (again)
static lastOp
local s
	if \again  then
		if lastOp == "Q"  then  {			#pretend he typed "Q" instead of "F"
			output (VbackSpace, Vbold, "Q", Vnormal)
			return  uterminate ()			#Th.th.th.that's all, folks!
		} else  {
			writes ("ind")
			writeInfo ("")								#clear prevs suggestion
			s := expandOp (lastOp)						#build suggestion
			# show previous suggestion as current command
			outputAt (17, 65, "> ", left (s, 14 + countControls(s)))
			push (ops, move1(lastOp))  |  runerr (500, lastOp)		#execute it
			outputAt (17, 65, VclearEOL,Vnormal, "> F")	#go find next suggestion
	writes ("ind")
	writeInfo (  expandOp (lastOp := (find1() | "Q") ) )	#suggest (next) move
	fail									#do NOT request a new game
end											#ufind

#	u s u g g e s t
# Suggest a (reasonable) possible move in this situation.
# Repeated invocations produce successive possibilities, until the
# only thing left to do is Thumb.
# "another" is non-null when this command was also the previous command.
# Suggestions are given in essentially random order, and thumbing is
# suggested only as a last resort.
procedure usuggest (another)
static suggestions, i
	writes ("uggest")
	if /another  then  {					#prev command was NOT Suggest
		suggestions := []					#generate a new list of suggestions
		every put ( suggestions, suggest() )
		i := 0
	return  writeInfo (   expandOp (suggestions[i+:=1] | "T")   )
end											#usuggest

#	a u t o m a t i c
# Run the game, as far as possible, untouched by human hands
# This is an internal routine but it keeps the user informed.
# Returns total ace cards promoted when there is nothing useful left to do.
# Returns with failure when the user interrupts the proceedings.
procedure automatic ()
local op
	repeat  {
		userInterrupt()  &  fail								#interrupted
		(!pile < 13)  |  return 52								#victory
		if  not writeInfo (  expandOp ( op := findBest() )  )  then
			return (pile[1] + pile[2] + pile[3] + pile[4])		#no moves left
		push (ops, move1 (op))  |  runerr (500, op)
end											#automatic

#	u a u t o m a t i c
# Play this hand automatically, untouched by human hands.
# This is the command fuction that interacts with the user.
procedure uautomatic ()
	writes ("utomatic")
	writeInfo (if automatic()  then  ""  else  "Interrupted")
end											#uautomatic

#	u c o n t i n u o u s
# Plays automatic games -- forever (or until user interrupts)
procedure ucontinuous()
	writes ("ontinuous")
	repeat  {
		writeCursor (16, 65)				#between Info line and Command line
		writes (center ((string(totalGames) || "   " || string(totalAces)), 16))
		(totalAces +:= automatic())  |  (writeInfo ("Interrupted"),  break)
		totalGames +:= 1
		(!pile < 13)  |  (totalWins +:= 1)
		lastSeed := newGame()
		writeAt (17, 65, "> Continuous")
end											#ucontinuous

#	u m o v e
# Move a card from deck to stack, or from stack to ace pile,
# or move a stack to another stack.
# Parameter is the source [1-7 or D]; else &null to indicate that "M" was used
# and therefore source should be gathered from the keyboard.
# Fails if indicated move is not possible
# This is the routine that interacts with the user.
procedure umove (src)
local dst, c, op, moved, col
	if \src  then
		output (VbackSpace, "Move ", Vbold, src)
	else {
		output ("ove ", Vbold);
		until (src := getCmdChar ())
		(src == ESC)  &  return
	col := 73
	if src == "D"  then  {
		(*deckUp = 0)  &  fail
		output (Vnormal, "eck")
		col +:= 3
	} else {
		any ('1234567', src)  |  fail
		(*stackUp[src] = 0)  &  fail
		writeStackNumber (src, Vblink)
		writeCursor (17, col)

	output (Vnormal, " to ", Vbold)
	until (dst := getCmdChar ())
	col +:= 5
	if src ~== "D"  then  {
		writeStackNumber (src, Vnormal)
		writeCursor (17, col)
	(dst == ESC)  &  return
	any ('A1234567', dst)  |  fail
	(dst == src)  &  fail
	(dst == "A")  &  (src ~== "D")  &  output (Vnormal, "ce")

	return  push (ops, move1("M" || src || dst || "0"))
end											#umove

#	u u n d o
# backup one move, including any automatic ace moves
procedure uundo ()
	writes ("ndo")
end											#uundo

#	u d e b u g
# Additional commands to support the implementer.
procedure udebug ()
local s, d, name
	(\debugging)  |  return complain()
	output (VbackSpace, "Debug ")
	until (s := getCmdChar ())
	case s  of  {
		ESC		:	fail					#debug command aborted
		"A"		:	{						#play this game again
					writes ("gain")
					&random := lastSeed
					outputAt (22, 1, Vbold,
								"&random set.  Quit to play this game again.",
								Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"D"		:	display()				#dump ICON state
		"H"|"?"	:	{
					output (if s == "?" then (VbackSpace || "help") else  "elp")
					outputAt (22, 1, Vbold,
				     "Again, Dump, Options, Move, Peek{1-7UD}, Restore, Save, Toggle{AQT}.",
					 Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"M"		:	{						#move, without legality checking
					writes ("ove ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())	#Source
					(s == ESC)  &  fail
					(s == "A")  &  fail
					until (d := getCmdChar ())	#Destination
					(d == ESC)  &  fail
					(d == s)  &  fail
					any('1234567', d)  |  fail
					if s == "D"  then  {
						(*deckUp = 0)  &  fail
						put (stackUp[d], get(deckUp))
						writeDeckUp ()
						writeStack (d)
						push (ops, "MD" || d || "0")
					} else {
						moveStack (s, d)
						push (ops, "M" || s || d || "123456789abcdef"[*stackUp[s]])
		"O"		:	{						#show command-line options
					writes ("ptions")
					outputAt (22, 1, Vbold,
						if \automaticAce  then  "AutomaticAce  "  else  "",
						if 0 < *directory then  ("-D"||directory||"  ") else "",
						if \phraseFile  then  ("-P"||phraseFile||"  ") else  "",
						if \isQuiet  then  "Quiet  "  else  "",
						("-S" || strategy),  Vnormal, VclearEOL)
					outputAt (23, 1, Vbold, "&trace=", &trace, 
						 "  firstSeed=", firstSeed, "  lastSeed=", lastSeed,
						 Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"P"		:	{						#look at hidden cards
					writes ("eek ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					(s == ESC)  &  fail
					outputAt (22, 1, VclearEOL, Vnormal)
					if any('1234567', s)  then  showList (stackDown[s])
					else if s == "D"      then  showList (deckDown)
					else if s == "U"      then  showList (deckUp)
					else complain ()
		"R"		:	{						#restore current state from a file
					writes ("estore")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					(s == ESC)  &  fail
					name := "klondike.sv" || s
					if (d := restoreState(name))  then  {
						outputAt (22, 1, Vbold, "Restored position from file ",
								directory || name, " of ", d, Vnormal,VclearEOL)
					} else {
						outputAt (22, 1, Vblink, "Can't restore from file ",
								directory || name, Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"S"		:	{						#save current state to a file
					writes ("ave ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					(s == ESC)  &  fail
					name := "klondike.sv" || s
					writeCursor (22, 1)
					if saveState (name)  then
						output (Vbold, "Position saved in file ",
								directory || name, Vnormal, VclearEOL)
						output (Vblink, "Can't save in file ",
								directory || name, Vnormal, VclearEOL)
		"T"		:	{						#toggle a command-line flag
					writes ("oggle ")
					until (s := getCmdChar ())
					(s == ESC)  &  fail
					case s  of  {
						"A"		: automaticAce := if \automaticAce then &null
																		  else 1
						"Q"		: isQuiet      := if \isQuiet then &null  else 1
						"T"		: &trace       := if &trace = 0  then -1  else 0
						default	: complain ()
					}									#case for Toggle
		default	:	complain ()
	}											#case for Debug command
end											#udebug

#	u b o s s
# Cheese it, the Fuzz.
# Quick -- clear the screen and save the position in a file.
procedure uboss ()
	writes ("oss")				# "consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds"
	terminateScreen ()						#put screen in the correct state
	writes ("C>")							#look innocent
	saveState ("klondike.sav")
	exit ()
end											#uboss

#	w r i t e S t a t i s t i c s
# Using the global counter variables, compute & write out some elementary stats.
# These are written to stderr so as not to mess up any batch file which might
# be collecting statistics whilst running klondike in -Batch mode.
# Note that write() is kosher here since this should only be called after
# terminate() has been called to restore the screen to its original state.
procedure writeStatistics ()
	if 1 < totalGames  then  {
		write (&errout, "In ", totalGames, " games you put ", totalAces,
				" cards on the ace piles.")
		if 0 < totalAces  then
			write (&errout,
					"Average ", real(totalAces) / real(totalGames),
					" cards on the ace piles per game.")
		if 0 < totalWins  then
			write (&errout,
					"You won ", totalWins, " (",
					left((totalWins * 100.) / totalGames, 4),
					"%) of those games.")
		write (&errout,
				"Average ", real(&time) / totalGames / 1000,
				" seconds per game.")
	} else {
		write (&errout,
				"In 1 game you put ", totalAces, " cards on the ace piles.")
		write (&errout, "Total time was ", real(&time) / 1000, " seconds.")
	write (&errout, "Initial random seed was ", firstSeed)
end											#writeStatistics

#	u t e r m i n a t e
# Returns success to quit this game and start another.
# Returns failure to just continue this game.
# If program termination is wished, that is done right here.
procedure uterminate ()
local s
	if (!pile < 13)  then
		writes ("uit")
		outputAt (12, 22, Vbold, Vblink, "Congratulations -- You've WON !!!",
	writeInfo (Vbold || "Another game? ")
	until (s := getCmdChar ())
	case s  of  {
		ESC		:	fail				#didn't really want to quit after all
		"Y"		:	return				#please start a new game
		"N"		:	{					#program termination requested
					totalGames +:= 1
					every totalAces +:= !pile
					(!pile < 13)  |  (totalWins +:= 1)
					terminateScreen ()
					writeStatistics ()
					exit ()
		default	:	{complain(); fail}	#continue playing this game
	runerr (500, s)
end											#uterminate

#	d o B a t c h
# Plays the requested number of games in batch mode.
# Returns three-element list of results.
# If the number of games to play is 0 or negative, then plays until interrupted.
procedure doBatch (gamesToPlay)
local games, wins, aces
	games := wins := aces := 0
	repeat  {
		newGame ()
		if aces +:= automatic()  then  {
			(!pile < 13)  |  (wins +:= 1)
			((games +:= 1) = gamesToPlay)  &  break
		} else
			break							#interrupted from keyboard
	return  [games, wins, aces]
end											#doBatch

#	u b a t c h
# Plays the requested number of games (0 => infinity) in batch mode.
# Results are reported after every interval (0 => only at end) games.
# Statistics are output when done or interrupted, whichever comes first.
procedure ubatch (gamesToPlay, interval)
local veryFirstSeed, stat
	isQuiet := invisible := 1
	veryFirstSeed := &random				#remember the initial random seed
	(interval = 0)  &  (interval := gamesToPlay)
	repeat  {
		(0 < gamesToPlay)  &  (interval >:= gamesToPlay)
		firstSeed := &random				#random seed for first game this set
		stat := doBatch (interval)
		write (firstSeed, "\t", stat[1], "\t", stat[2], "\t", stat[3])
		totalGames +:= stat[1]
		totalWins  +:= stat[2]
		totalAces  +:= stat[3]
		(stat[1] ~= interval)  &  break		#interrupted by user
		(0 = (gamesToPlay -:= interval))  &  break
	firstSeed := veryFirstSeed				#required for writeStatistics()
	writeStatistics ()
	exit ()
end											#ubatch

#	m a i n
procedure main (av)
local s, prevsCmd, batchMode, reportInterval, again, termtype

	# initialize
	isDOS := find("MS-DOS", &host)			#probably a reasonable assumption
	isPC  := isDOS							#really a pretty poor assumption
	totalGames:=totalAces:=totalWins := 0	#statistics

	# set defaults
	findBest("")							# set global variable strategy
	automaticAce	:= 1					# automatic ace handling
	debugging		:= &null				# no debugging allowed
	directory		:= ""					# use current directory
	invisible		:= &null				# let's see the action
	batchMode		:= &null				# interactive mode
	reportInterval	:= 0					# report only at end of batch mode
	phraseFile		:= &null				# use all built-in phrases
	isQuiet			:= &null				# make clicks & beeps if possible
	termtype		:= if \isPC then "pc" else "mono"
	&random			:= map (&clock, ":", "7")		# randomize the seed

	# deal with command-line parameters
	reverse(getenv("KLONDIKE")) ? 			#pre-pend env var words to cmd line
		while tab(upto(~" \t\v\f\r\n"))  do
			push (av, reverse(tab(many(~" \t\v\f\r\n"))))
	while s := get (av)  do
		case s[1:3]  of  {
			"-A" | "-a"	:	automaticAce	:=if \automaticAce then &null else 1
			"-B" | "-b"	:	batchMode		:=	(integer(s[3:0])  |  0)
			"-D" | "-d"	:	directory		:=	if *s < 3  then
													getenv ("HOME" | "ROOTDIR")
			"-I" | "-i"	:	reportInterval	:=	(integer(s[3:0])  |  1)
			"-P" | "-p"	:	phraseFile		:=	s[3:0]
			"-Q" | "-q"	:	isQuiet			:=	if \isQuiet then  &null  else  1
			"-R" | "-r"	:	&random     	:=	integer (s[3:0])
			"-S" | "-s"	:	findBest (s[3:0])			#check & store strategy
			"-T" | "-t"	:	termtype		:=	s[3:0]
			"-Z" | "-z"	:	debugging		:=	if \debugging then  &null else 1
			default		:	{
							# screen mode not yet initialized, so write() is OK
							write ("klondike  [-AQZ]  [-B[count]]  [-D[dir]]  [-I[interval]]")
							write ("          [-P[file]]  [-Rseed]  [-Sstrategy]  [-T[term]]")
							# screen mode not yet initialized, so stop() is OK
							stop ("klondike: bogus option  ", s)

	# initializations which use command-line parameters
	(map(termtype, &lcase, &ucase) == "PC")  &  isPC := 1
	initConstants (termtype)				#need updated termtype from cmdline
	initVariables ()						#establish all the lists and such

	# when defined, batchMode is the number of games to play; 0 => infinity.
	ubatch (\batchMode, reportInterval)		#conditional call of no return

	# Establish the directory for file I/O; with a trailing "/" if non-empty.
	# It is only used directly in the open() and remove() calls.
	(0 < *directory)  &  (directory := trim(directory, '/\\')  ||  "/")

	# If last game was terminated via the Boss key then restore it now,
	# otherwise start up a new game.
	if restoreState ("klondike.sav")  then  {
		refreshScreen ()
		writeInfo ("Game restored")
		remove (directory || "klondike.sav")
	} else {
		firstSeed := &random					#random seed for first game
		lastSeed := newGame ()					#start a new game, stashing seed

	repeat  {									#game loop
		prevsCmd := "-none-"
		repeat  {									#command loop
			outputAt (17, 65, VclearEOL, Vnormal, "> ")		#clear command line
			until (s := getCmdChar ())
			again := (if s == prevsCmd  then  s  else  &null)
			writeInfo ("")									#clear info line
			writeCursor (17, 68)							#just after cmd char
			case  s  of  {
				"?"|"H"	:	uhelp()
				"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"D"	:			#short-cut for Move
							umove (s)  |  complain ()
				"A"		:	uautomatic()					#look Ma, no hands!
				"B"		:	uboss()							#bail out quick
				"C"		:	ucontinuous()					#no hands, forever
				"F"		:	ufind (again)  &  break			#new game
				"M"		:	umove (&null)  |  complain ()
				"Q"		:	uterminate ()  &  break			#new game
				"S"		:	usuggest (again)
				"T"		:	{ writes("humb");  push(ops, thumb()) }
				"U"		:	uundo()
				"Z"		:	udebug()
				"\^L"	:	refreshScreen()
				ESC		:	s								#do nothing here
				default	:	complain()
			}								#case
			prevsCmd := s
			(!pile < 13)  |  (uterminate ()  &  break)		# VICTORY!
		}									#repeat command
		totalGames +:= 1
		every totalAces +:= !pile
		(!pile < 13)  |  (totalWins +:= 1)
		lastSeed := newGame ()
	}										#repeat game
end											#main
if test 19820 -ne "`wc -c < 'klondike.icn'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'klondike.icn'" '(should have been 19820 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0
PAPER:  Norman Azadian; Ascom AG; Belpstrasse 23; 3000 Berne 14; Switzerland
INTERNET:  naz%hslrswi.uucp@uunet.uu.net
UUCP:   ...{uunet,ukc,mcvax,...}!chx400!hslrswi!naz
VOICE:  +41 31 63 2178            BITNET: naz%hslrswi.UUCP@cernvax.BITNET