[comp.lang.asm370] Question about IBM 370 assembler books

AUMXS@ASUACAD.BITNET ("Michael J. Steiner") (10/25/89)

What would be a good book to help introduce me to 370 assembler
(I already know 8086 assembler :-/).  I need a book that will explain
it to someone who knows what assembly language is, but not what
the instructions or architecture are for the 370.

Thanks in advance,

|Michael J. Steiner  <AUMXS@ASUACAD.BITNET>         |
|"I don't have enough time to goof up."             |
|Computer Science major at Arizona State University |
|                                                   |
|Disclaimer:  I don't work for anyone yet.          |
|Warning:     I abide by the Hacker Ethic.          |


>What would be a good book to help introduce me to 370 assembler
>(I already know 8086 assembler :-/).  I need a book that will explain
>it to someone who knows what assembly language is, but not what
>the instructions or architecture are for the 370.

You might like Spotswood Stoddard's book, Assembly Language Programming
for the IBM 370 (I forget who publishes it). Any good bookstore can order
it for you.

I don't speak for Columbia, and Columbia doesn't speak for me.

jerry b. altzman   "We've got to get in to get out"             212 853 6771
jbaltz@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu                           jauus@cuvmb (BITNET)
rutgers!columbia!cunixc!jbaltz (bang!)                nevis::jbaltz (HEPNET)


one good text is '370/360 assembler language programming' by stern,sager,stern.
pub by john wiley & sons, isbn 0-471-03429-0. it has good problems & answers,
and covers the rudiments of assembler language debugging.

S087891@UMRVMA.BITNET (Mike Castle) (10/25/89)

Speaking as a student currently taking 370 Assembly, I can suggest the

It covers pretty much everything and tries to include all the different
machines such as the 360 Family, and other minor variations in hardware.

Also, IBM has available a System/370 Reference Summary which you might
find useful.  Ask your computing services about it.

Also, our teacher recommended that we forget everything concerning PC
assembler when tackling the 370 Assembler language... of course, that's
what teachers are supposed to do  :)

     *     Nexus of All Realities     *
     *  Mike Castle   S087891@UMRVMA  *

michael@MAINE.MAINE.EDU (Michael Johnson) (10/25/89)

I recommend George Struble's book, published by Addison-Wesley. I believe this
is the same book that was referred to in a previous posting, since the title of
the edition I have is:


I know that another edition has come out since I bought mine that emphasises
the 370, so the book that someone else referred to is probably that edition.

Michael Johnson                           "We are the Priests of the Temples
University of Maine System                 of Syrinx. Our great computers fill
Computing and Data Processing Services     the hallowed halls." - Neil Peart

brosen@SPCA.BBN.COM (10/25/89)

I would definitely opt for the 370 Principles of Operation.  It is of course
the "Bible" of the 370 architecture, and while probably inappropriate for a
novice, it sounds from your query like it would be good for you.

It's how I learned 370 assembler!

Regards -

Bruce Rosen

S087891@UMRVMA.BITNET (Mike Castle) (10/25/89)

Yeah... that's right... George Stuble... that's who I meant...

Sorry bout that folx... was in a hurry... such is life...

It does emphasize the 370 architecture now though he does provide information
on the 360 for comparison.

The current (or at least the one we are using) edition is the 3rd edition.

Hope this helps.

     *     Nexus of All Realities     *
     *  Mike Castle   S087891@UMRVMA  *

tim@brspyr1.BRS.Com (Tim Northrup) (10/27/89)

I missed the original question, but I assume it was asking about good
books to learn BAL from.

I would recommend "System/360-370 Assembler Language (OS)" written
by Kevin McQuillen, published by Mike Murach & Associates.  My copy
is (c) 1975 so I don't know if it is still in print, but I thought
it a very good book for learning assembler.  It seemed to cover
everything I needed, and has plenty of examples to make things clear.

For what its worth ...
						-- Tim
Tim Northrup      		  +------------------------------------------+
+---------------------------------+         GEnie:  T.Northrup               |
UUCP: uunet!crdgw1!brspyr1!tim    |   Air Warrior:  "Duke"                   |
ARPA: tim@brspyr1.BRS.Com	  +------------------------------------------+

tim@UUNET.UU.NET (Tim Northrup) (10/27/89)

I missed the original question, but I assume it was asking about good
books to learn BAL from.

I would recommend "System/360-370 Assembler Language (OS)" written
by Kevin McQuillen, published by Mike Murach & Associates.  My copy
is (c) 1975 so I don't know if it is still in print, but I thought
it a very good book for learning assembler.  It seemed to cover
everything I needed, and has plenty of examples to make things clear.

For what its worth ...
                                                -- Tim
Tim Northrup                      +------------------------------------------+
+---------------------------------+         GEnie:  T.Northrup               |
UUCP: uunet!crdgw1!brspyr1!tim    |   Air Warrior:  "Duke"                   |
ARPA: tim@brspyr1.BRS.Com         +------------------------------------------+