SPGAAC@UCCVMA.BITNET ("Adam Cohen SPGAAC@UCCVMA.UCOP.EDU 987-0346", 415) (02/10/90)
say you've got a hex value in a register and want to convert it to decimal. isnt there a quick way to do this with shifts?
I01BAILE@ETSU.BITNET (Don Bailes) (02/10/90)
The easiest way to convert a hex value in a register to decimal (packed) form is the CVD instruction. See IBM 370: Computer Organization and Assembly Language for a complete discussion of CVD. If your intention is to print the number, use ED after the CVD to convert the number to printable form.
NAD100T@ODUVM.BITNET (Tony D'Amato) (02/10/90)
On Fri, 9 Feb 90 12:58:52 EST Adam Cohen SPGAAC@UCCVMA.UCOP.EDU (415)987-0346 said: > say you've got a hex value in a register and > want to convert it to decimal. isnt there > a quick way to do this with shifts? I'm not sure what you are asking -- if you want to print it out in decimal, here's a good way to do it: L R15,NUMBR Load number CVD R15,DOUBLE Convert number to packed MVC TEXT,PREFIX Move edit prefix to buffer ED TEXT,DOUBLE+5 Edit number to prefix .... PREFIX DS X'402020202120' NUMBR DS H'123456' number to convert DOUBLE DS D TEXT DS CL6 At the end, TEXT will contain your decimal number. I hope this helped... |========================================================================| | Tony D'Amato | | | Computer Systems Engineer | "Deesclaimer! I don't neeed no | | Old Dominion University | steenkin' deesclaimer!" | | E-Mail: NAD100T@ODUVM.BITNET | | | -or- nad100t@oduvm.cc.odu.edu | -- with apologies to Mel Brooks | |========================================================================|
BRUCE@UMDD.BITNET (Bruce Crabill) (02/10/90)
If by hex you mean a binary value, then the following will work (and without shifts too): The following code will convert a binary value into a string of EBCDIC numbers. The binary value is assumed to be positive. In any case, the sign will be ignored. The value to convert is loaded into R1. The result is left in the area labeled DECOUT. DECTMP is a scratch area and must be 8 bytes long. DECOUT can be up to 10 bytes long. L R1,<Value> CVD R1,DECTMP UNPK DECOUT,DECTMP OI DECOUT+L'DECOUT-1,X'F0' DECTMP DS D DECOUT DS CL8 Bruce
>say you've got a hex value in a register and >want to convert it to decimal. isnt there >a quick way to do this with shifts? If by HEX to DECIMAL, you mean convert a register value to a HEX display format, use UNPK and TR. Example: ST Rx,WORK1 Put the register in storage for UNPacK UNPK OUTPUT(9),WORK(5) UNPacK the register's data TR OUTPUT(8),TABLE Translate X'FA'-X'FF' to C'A'-C'F' * OUTPUT DS CL8,CL1 Output area for HEX in display format * WORK DS XL4 Register hold area * TABLE EQU *-240 TRANSLATE TABLE DC CL16'0123456789ABCDEF' * Notes: The 5th byte of WORK is referenced by UNPK. The 9th byte of OUTPUT is garbage. The programs base register must point more than 240 bytes before where TABLE is defined.