[comp.lang.asm370] Manuals for new CP Diagnose functions and CMS Maclibs

VOGTMURR@UREGINA1.BITNET (Murray) (03/27/90)

    Query CMSLevel      VM/SP Release 5, Service Level 519

The version of CMS I have is shown in the above two lines. When I type COMMANDS
I get a list of all the CP commands and Diagnose functions I can use. I have
help files for all of them except for XSPOOL and the following Diagnose codes:

DIAG8C    DIAG94    DIAG98    DIAGA0    DIAGB0    DIAGB4

Are they actually used by my CP or are they just here for show? Does someone
want to oblige with a one-line description of each? Or tell me what manual to
look them up in, please? I'm curious.
         I believe that CMSLIB and DMSSP are the two essential CMS Maclibs. The
others like DOSMACRO, OSMACRO, TSOMAC all exist for compatibility or applica-
tions. Am I right? I know the CMS Command & Macro Reference describes the CMS-
LIB, but what is the definitive reference for my version of DMSSP?
         My present problem is separating the ways of getting formal informa-
tion about an RDR spool file and about getting the content of the file. It is
also about getting several of these files into memory at the same time as op-
posed to getting one and finishing. I was going to use SNOBOL4 for both of the
steps, but I doubt that the FORTRAN I/O routines supplied with the language are
up to these feats, and I suspect linked external Loadlibs will be necessary.
Any comments?      {Pardon me if you see this question on several lists!}
         I am a Class G programmer in 370 assembler, SNOBOL4, EXEC2, REXX, but
so far I am limited to programming on my Virtual Machine running CMS. I like
making handy utilities that involve I/O to my own Graf and maybe to one con-
nected by the DIAL command, to my minidisks and my UR devices, and that's about
it. But I do like to explore the operating system in a practical way, not just
a conceptual way. In the light of these assertions, will any of the following
books be accessible but technical enough for me to use profitably?

Trevor Eddolls, VM Performance Management, 1989.      {Remember I'm Class G.}
Jay Ranade and George C. Sackett, Introduction to SNA Networking, 1989.
James Martin with Kathleen Chapman, SNA: IBM's Networking Solution, 1987.
Leo J. Langevin, DOS/VSE/SP Guide for Systems Programming, 1989.
(By the way, how do I locate the DOSRES disk on CMS for "SET DOS ON X" ?)

         Please send a copy of your reply directly to me because I probably do
not subscribe. A summary of the replies I get will be provided on request. Ciao