TROTH@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (Rick Troth) (06/09/90)
>We have a link and access minidisk utility (written in Assembler) ... We have an EXEC that sounds like it does the same thing. GRAB EXEC uses GETFMADR, which I believe is part if IPF and thus gets fixed (supposedly) by IBM when it breaks. >getdisk vmprobe 193 >Get: VMPROBE's 193 disk (label=VMP193) will be your 199 E disk (RR). GRAB TROTH 192 TROTH's 192 linked as your 220 and accessed as your G-disk. The exercise is certainly more challenging in Assembler, but for something like this, we thought REXX would be easier to maintain. Rick Troth <TROTH@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU> ------------- Rice ONCS VM Systems Support