[comp.lang.rexx] Specific Questions for ARPREXXLIB

yorkw@tippy.uucp (12/01/89)

How about some More Specicic Questions.
When i use OpenWindow() even witha resizing gadget I can't shrink
the window smaller then the origianly opened size.
fo if i open a Full sized window with a Resizing gadget it basicially
does nothing.
Also concerning the following lines (From fastmenu.rexx)
call AddGadget(cport,90,15 ,"BOFA" ,New CLI     ",      /* + */,  "'address command newcli'")
call AddGadget(cport,110,15 ,"FA" ," New CLI     ",      /* + */,  "'address command newcli'")

What does the /* + */ [D[C[Cdo exactly?

Also could someone give me an example of how to add a String gadtet
then also how to add a Boolen gadg
I have managed to get the window to close. 
now hoe do i get the Rexx program to do a certian Routine
when a gadet is pressed?? 

Well Info info will be welcomed.