[comp.lang.rexx] REXX ANSI Meeting


The next meeting of the ANSI X3J18 committee on developing
standards for the REXX language is scheduled for May 6-7, 1991,
at the Asilomar conference center, Pacific Grove, California.
Interested persons may attend, although there are requirements
for voting member status.

Asilomar is in Pacific Grove, near Monterey.  The Second annual
REXX Symposium is to be held there immediately following the ANSI
meeting, on May 8-9.  Contact Dave Gomberg for the Symposium
registration and lodging arrangemnents but not for ANSI.

X3J18 primary contacts:

Brian Marks                      Linda Green
marks@winvmd.vnet.ibm.com        greenls@gdlvm7.iinus1.ibm.com
(UK) 44-962-841122 Ext. 8180     607-752-1172 4433

Other contact:

Dave Gomberg (REXX Symposium arrangements only)
gomberg@ucsfvm.bitnet    gomberg@ucsfvm.ucsf.edu