[comp.lang.rexx] Info On Second Annual REXX Conference

Will@cup.portal.com (Will E Estes) (04/18/91)

Please address questions about the following to

Info follows:

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1991   13:39 PST
Subject: REXX Symposium

Please share this information:
                          Are you
                        a REXX User,
                     a REXX Developer,
      interested in hearing about current REXX work or
                    REXX future plans???
                           If so,
       you are cordially invited to attend the second
                       REXX SYMPOSIUM
                  for Developers and Users
     Sponsored by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
          Keynote Speaker: Mike Cowlishaw, author
             Also featuring developers of REXX
           for Unix, VAX, OS/2, Tandem, and Amiga
                      May 8 - 9, 1991
            Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California
Program (confirmed as of 4/16/91):
    NAME         COMPANY    PRODUCT             TOPIC
 Mike Cowlishaw  IBM        REXX            Design of REXX; TBA
 Bill Hawes                 AREXX           Implementors' Panel
 Charles Daney   Quercus    REXXTERM        Wish List for Improvements
                            Personal REXX
 John Hartman    IBM        Pipelines       CMS Pipelines
 Rick McGuire    IBM        SAA REXX        OS/2 Interpreter
 Neil Milsted    TWG        Uni-REXX        Implementors' Panel
 Bert Moser      IBM        REXX Compiler   Compiler
 Simon Nash      IBM        O-O REXX        Object Oriented REXX
 Keith Watts     Kilowatt   Portable REXX,  REXX Parsing Capabilities
 George Crane    SLAC                       Oracle REXX Interface
 Eric Giguere    Waterloo                   Command Standards
 Dave Gomberg                               Tuning
 Linda Green     IBM                        REXXoids
 Bob Flores      CIA                        Shared Function Library
 Marc Irvin                                 Expert Systems and Expert
                                             Software with REXX
 Linda Littleton PSU                        Netnews: User Experience with
                                             Large System Written in REXX
 Brian Marks     IBM                        Review of ANSI and Other
                                             Language Discussions
 Robert Pesner   PC Dialogs                 PC Based REXX Function Packages
                                             for Network Communications
 Larry Rodda     Banner
 Ed Spire        TWG                        Applicability to UNIX Environment
 Bebo White      SLAC                       Using REXX to Teach
In addition, two panel discussions are planned:
   * "Why Use REXX for UNIX?" with moderator Jeff Lankford and
     panelists Sam Drake, Jonathan Jenkins, Scott Ophof and Alan Thew.
   * "REXX Implementors Answer Questions" with audience participation.
      Registration Only - $180
      Complete Symposium Package - $500 (single lodging)
                                   $360 (shared lodging)
The complete packages include lodging (3 nights), 9 meals,
3 social hours, coffee breaks, and all meeting literature.
To register for one of the complete packages, send a non-refundable
$50 deposit to:
                             Dave Gomberg
                             REXX Symposium 1991
                             7 Gateview Court
                             San Francisco, CA 94116-1941
                     e-mail  gomberg@ucsfvm.ucsf.edu
For the shared lodging option, please indicate the name of the
person with whom the room is to be shared OR if you would like to
be assigned an attendee with whom you will share your room.
      9:00  Welcome
      9:15  Green:  REXXoids
     10:00  BREAK
     10:15  Cowlishaw
     11:00  Marks:  ANSI Update
     12:00  LUNCH
            APPLICATIONS                    TECHNIQUES
      1:00  Littleton:  Netnews             Watts:  Parsing
      1:45  Crane:  Oracle Interface        Gomberg:  Tuning
      2:30  BREAK
            APPLICATIONS cont'              WISHES
      2:45  Irvin:  Expert Systems          Daney
      3:30                                  Giguere:  Command Standards
      4:00  BREAK
      4:15  Nash: O-O
      5:15  Discussion
      GROUP DISCUSSION TIME NEEDED after Marks, Daney, Giguere
      6:00  DINNER
      7:45  Announcement Opportunity
      8:00  Implementors Panel
 TH         IBM REXX                        OTHER PLATFORMS
      9:00  McGuire:  Interpreter           Pesner:  PC Functions
      9:45  Moser:  Compiler                Spire:  Unix
            _______________                 _______________
     10:45  BREAK
     11:00  Cowlishaw (maybe)
     12:00  LUNCH
      1:00  Unix Panel
      2:45  BREAK
      3:00  Hartman:  Pipelines
      4:00  Bebo:
      4:30  Flores:
      5:00  CLOSING