[news.software.nntp] VN nntp version - problems?

fritz@unocss.UUCP (Tim Russell) (08/17/88)

I recently got the NNTP version of the VN newsreader running (which I dearly
love), and I tried it out on a remote machine, since we don't get "soc"
or "alt" groups here anymore.  I traced the NNTP server session, and noticed
that VN sends a "list" command to the server twice right in a row.

    Since the machine I was connecting to gets a ton of groups, a ton of
group information is getting transferred twice.  This slows things down.
Can anybody tell me if VN is supposed to be doing this twice, and if it
is, why?

 Tim Russell, Computer Operator  | Internet: fritz@fergvax.unl.edu
 Campus Computing                | Bitnet:   conslt32@unoma1
 University of Nebraska at Omaha | UUCP:     uunet!btni!unocss!fritz