[news.software.nntp] nntp over DECnet

poole@chx400.switch.ch (Simon Poole) (09/20/89)

Has anybody run nntp successfully over DECnet on Ultrix 3.0? I'm
experiencing numerous problems: with ANU-news nntpxmit simply hangs,
with nntp 1.5 nntpxmit gets a premature EOF. If I use a simple program
that directly uses system calls instead of stdio and I enter nntp
commands by hand everything works.

						Simon Poole

thomas@mipsbx.nac.dec.com (Matt Thomas) (09/20/89)

> Has anybody run nntp successfully over DECnet on Ultrix 3.0? I'm
> experiencing numerous problems: with ANU-news nntpxmit simply hangs,
> with nntp 1.5 nntpxmit gets a premature EOF. If I use a simple program
> that directly uses system calls instead of stdio and I enter nntp
> commands by hand everything works.

I'm not having any problems (I transfer ~500K articles to other news
systems and have
~450K articles read via NNTP from my news host).  I've made some changes
to NNTP to make
NNTP over DECnet more efficient (which I really need to feed back into
NNTP 1.5.6).

But I don't use ANU-news so I can't commment on it.
Matt Thomas                     Internet:   thomas@decwrl.dec.com
DECnet-ULTRIX Development       UUCP:       ...!decwrl!thomas
Digital Equipment Corporation   Disclaimer: This message reflects my own
Littleton, MA                               warped views, etc.