[news.software.nntp] mini-inews problem

markus@ti-csl.csc.ti.com (Markus N. Richardson) (12/03/89)

I am having a problem running the "mini-inews" on a Convex C2 machine.
I am using version 1.5.7 (as is my NNTP server machine).  I have tried
earlier versions, and they have problems with the Convex as well.  Of
course when I compiled and ran it on a VAX 4.3BSD using the same
options as I set up on the Convex, it worked just fine.  On the Convex 
if I execute the "mini-inews" under the dbx look-a-like debugger of
Convex, it works as it should...but on the command line--it dumps core.

I am hoping that this is a configuration problem, but it does seem
strange that it would work under debugger control, but not otherwise.
Probably the brain-damaged Convex (mostly 4.3BSD) UNIX!  If you can
help me in any way, I would appreciate it.  Hoping this will help:
I am including my "conf.h" file and a short script of the debugging session.
I have tried to compile first with "CFLAGS= -O -g" and then with
"CFLAGS= -g -DDEBUG" but to no avail.  BTW, I *did* add "-ldbm" to
the link command in the Makefile because I have #define'd DBM.

conf.h file:

#undef	ALONE		
#undef	FASTFORK	
#ifdef	ALONE
#	define LOAD 5	
#endif	ALONE

#undef BSD_42	

#undef CMU_MACH		

#undef	USG		

#undef NDBM		

#define	DBM	

#undef	USGHIST

#undef CNEWS		

#undef	EXCELAN		
#undef U_LONG		

#define SIGRET int	

#define MINFREE 4000	
#define POSTBUFFER 1000 



#ifdef SYSLOG		
#undef	 LOG	

(Some #defines normally listed here; I left them untouched)


#undef	XHDR		

#undef	SUBNET		

#undef	NETMASK		
#undef	DECNET		

#define	GHNAME	
#undef	UUNAME


#define DO_DOTDIR	

#ifdef USG
# define	FCNTL			
#ifdef dgux
#define		FTRUNCATE
# define	NDIR		
# define	index	strchr
# define	rindex	strrchr
# ifdef U_LONG
   typedef	unsigned long	u_long;
   typedef	unsigned short	u_short;
# endif U_LONG
# define	IPPORT_NNTP	119
#endif USG

#ifndef ALONE
#    define	TIMEOUT	(2 * 3600)
#endif ALONE

#ifndef ALONE
#   define	XFER_TIMEOUT	(30 * 60)
#endif ALONE

#define	DOMAIN	"vlsic2.ti.com"

#define	SERVER_FILE	"/usr/local/news/lib/nntp_server"

#define	POSTER		"news"

#define STAT_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/mgdstats"
#define NGDATE_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/groupdates"

#ifdef CNEWS
# define ACTIVE_TIMES_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/active.times"

#define	ACTIVE_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/active"
#define ACCESS_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/nntp_access"
#define DISTRIBUTIONS_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/distributions"
#define NEWSGROUPS_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/newsgroups"
#define HISTORY_FILE	"/usr/lib/news/history"
#define	SPOOLDIR	"/usr/spool/news"
#define INEWS		"/usr/lib/news/inews"
#define RNEWS		"/usr/bin/rnews"		/* Link to inews? */

#define	MAX_ARTICLES	4096		/* Maximum number of articles/group */
#define READINTVL	60 * 10		/* 10 minutes b/n chking active file */

#define TOOBIG 300000L		/* batch > TOOBIG bytes, kick rnews */
#define TOOOLD (5*60)		/* batch > TOOOLD seconds old, kick rnews */
#define COPYSIZE 8192		/* bytes to copy at one time */
#define MAXDIGITS 25		/* lg(maxlongint) + epsilon */
#define MAXSTR 1024
#define INDIR			"/usr/spool/news/in.coming"
#define BATCH_FILE		"/usr/spool/news/in.coming/nntp.XXXXXX"
#define NEWSRUN			"/usr/lib/newsbin/input/newsrun"

The debugger session:

Script started on Sat Dec  2 21:33:35 1989

% inews
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

% csd inews core
Convex Symbolic Debugger.
reading symbolic information ...

(csd) where
#0  bcopy(0x80f7a038, 0xffffc898, 0x4) at 0x80002e8c
#1  $b1, get_tcp_socket(machine = "tilde"), near line 200 in "../common/clientlib.c"
#2  getserverbyfile(file = "tilde"), line 60 in "../common/clientlib.c"
#3  main(argc = 1, argv = 0xffffce1c, 0xffffce20), line 73 in "inews.c"
(csd) run
<<< 200 tilde NNTP server version 1.5.7 (10 November 89) ready at Sat Dec  2 21:37:44 1989 (posting ok).
>>> POST
<<< 340 Ok
Interrupt in read at 0x8000f61e
0x8000f61e    read+e             rtn    
(csd) q
script done on Sat Dec  2 21:36:19 1989


Please e-mail me any replies.  Thanks in advance!

Markus Richardson