[news.software.nntp] nntptap Perl

merlyn@iwarp.intel.com (Randal Schwartz) (03/16/90)

In article <1990Mar14.231020.5784@smurf.sub.org>, urlichs@smurf (Matthias Urlichs) writes:
| Another improvement is to open two NNTP channels to your favorite server. On
| one, you do your NEWNEWS, and the other is used to fetch articles as soon as
| their IDs come in over the first channel.
| This is necessary on some low-speed Internet links like ours (which frequently
| makes nntpd time out, drops connections, and other fun stuff) and basically
| enabled us to get 24 hours of Usenet traffic in 14 hours instead of 30.
| I'd like to convert this to a somewhat better C programming style before
| letting the rest of the world see it, though...

I've been using a Perl program that I call 'nntptap' that does exactly
*that* for the last few months.  (In fact, my only feeds have been
exclusively through this program.)

nntptap opens NNTP servers on both sides (two on the sender, and one
on the receiver), so it could be used in place of nntpxmit as well.

If asked, it maintains a timestamp file of your choosing, and will
record the beginning of the most recent successful transfer as the
mtime of that file.  On subsequent transfers, the NEWNEWS command is
generated accordingly.  If you don't use a timestamp, the default
period is '42 days', which appears to be plenty big to get all the
news on the source server that you don't have already. :-)

Here's what it looks like in my crontab for news:

42 * * * * nice /usr/lib/newsbin/nntptap2 -v1 -finews -s/usr/lib/news/stamp.inews >>/usr/lib/news/log.inews 2>&1
52 * * * * nice /usr/lib/newsbin/nntptap2 -v1 -fomepd -s/usr/lib/news/stamp.omepd >>/usr/lib/news/log.omepd 2>&1
12 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * nice /usr/lib/newsbin/nntptap2 -v1 -f129.189.192.20 -s/usr/lib/news/stamp.orc >>/usr/lib/news/log.orc 2>&1
12 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * nice /usr/lib/newsbin/nntptap2 -v1 -f129.95.40.2 -s/usr/lib/news/stamp.ogicse >>/usr/lib/news/log.ogicse 2>&1

It currently doesn't test distributions, just newsgroups, so it is
prone to distribution leaks.  In practice, I have not found this to be
a problem, so I am not solving it (yet!).

I had problems with the server timing out, so I have a watchdog
process that kills the transfer if it starts taking too long.  This
has worked so far, but if you have a better solution, lemme know.

If you start using this, lemme know, and I'll throw you on a mailing
list for any update announcements.

################################################## snip here

$ZERO = $0;

sub usage {
	die join("\n",@_) .
	"\nusage: $ZERO [-f fromhost] [-t tohost] [-s stampfile] [-v verboselevel] [-g groups] [-w watchdogseconds]\n";

do 'getopt.pl' || die "Cannot do getopts.pl ($!)";


&usage("extra arguments: @ARGV") if $#ARGV > -1;

chop($thishost = `hostname`);
## defaults:
$fromhost = defined $opt_f ? $opt_f : $thishost;
$tohost = defined $opt_t ? $opt_t : $thishost;
$stampfile = $opt_s; # null string means no stamp
$verbose = defined $opt_v ? $opt_v : 0;
$sub = defined $opt_g ? $opt_g : "comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,to,alt,gnu,intel,pnw,or,pdx";
$watchdogseconds = defined $opt_w ? $opt_w : 4*60*60; # 4 hour default

## verbose codes:
## 0 = only summary
## 1 = single letter progress
## 2 = noisy progress
## 3 = handshaking too

&usage("fromhost = tohost?") if $fromhost eq $tohost;

$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
@x = getprotobyname('tcp'); $proto = $x[2];
@x = getservbyname('nntp','tcp'); $port = $x[2];

sub hosttoaddr {
	local($hostname) = @_;
	if ($hostname =~ /^(\d+)+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
		pack('C4', $1, $2, $3, $4);
	} else {
		@x = gethostbyname($hostname);
		die "gethostbyname: $hostname ($!)" if $#x < 0;

$toaddr = &hosttoaddr($tohost);
$fromaddr = &hosttoaddr($fromhost);
$thisaddr = &hosttoaddr($thishost);

$thisproc = pack($sockaddr, 2, 0, $thisaddr);
$tonntp = pack($sockaddr, 2, $port, $toaddr);
$fromnntp = pack($sockaddr, 2, $port, $fromaddr);

$| = 1;

$mtime = ($stampfile && (@x = stat($stampfile)) && $x[9]) || time-86400*42;
@x = gmtime($mtime-3600); # one hour overlap
$timestamp = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d GMT",

sub setup {
	local($FH) = shift;
	local($fromorto) = shift ? $fromnntp : $tonntp;
	socket($FH, 2, 1, $proto) || die "$FH socket: $!";
	bind($FH, $thisproc) || die "$FH bind: $!";
	connect($FH, $fromorto) || die "$FH connect: $!";
	$oldfh = select($FH); $| = 1; select($oldfh);
	(($_ = &get($FH)) =~ /^2/) || die "got $_ during greeting $FH";
	(($_ = &get($FH)) =~ /^2/) || die "got $_ during slave $FH";

sub put {
	local($FH) = shift;
	local($what) = shift;
	print $FH "$what\n";
	print "$FH >>> $what\n" if $verbose >= 3;

sub get {
	local($FH) = shift;
	$what = <$FH>;
	$what =~ s/\015//;
	$what =~ s/\n//;
	print "$FH >> $what\n" if $verbose >= 3;

$starttime = time;
@x = localtime($starttime);
printf "%s: begin %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",

## launching the watchdog:

unless (fork) {
	$target = $starttime + $watchdogseconds;
	while (time < $target) {
		sleep 120;
		exit 0 if ($ppid = getppid) == 1; # orphaned
	kill 15, $ppid;
	sleep 10;
	kill 9, $ppid;
	exit 1;

&setup("FI",1); # 'F'rom 'I'ndex: send NEWNEWS, use reply as worklist
&setup("FD",1); # 'F'rom 'D'ata: send ARTICLE to fetch article
&setup("TD",0); # 'T'o 'D'ata: send IHAVE to see if wanted, and to store it

## basic algorithm: start a NEWNEWS going.  As it spits out each article ID,
## send that down as an IHAVE to the receiver (we lie, because we don't
## *really* have it... yet).  If the receiver wants it (doesn't say "Got it"),
## send ARTICLE on the other input channel to get the text, sending it line
## at a time to receiver.  If the sender balks on the ARTICLE (expired or
## cancelled), send an empty article to the receiver (which it mostly
## ignores).  Repeat this a zillion times.

($groups = $sub) =~ s/([^,]+)/\1.*/g;
$groups .= ",control";
&put("FI","NEWNEWS $groups $timestamp");
(($_ = &get("FI")) =~ /^2/) || die "got $_ during newnews FI";

	$_ = &get("FI");
	last MAIN if /^\./;
	$art = $_;
	&put("TD", "IHAVE $art");
	$_ = &get("TD");
	unless (/^3/) {
		print "$fromhost: rejecting $art: $_\n" if $verbose >= 2;
		print "r" if $verbose == 1;
		redo MAIN;
	&put("FD", "ARTICLE $art");
	$_ = &get("FD");
	unless (/^2/) {
		# they didn't have what they said they had (expired/cancelled)
		&put("TD","."); # terminate the article, sorry!
		print "$fromhost: aborting $art: $_\n" if $verbose >= 2;
		print "a" if $verbose == 1;
		&get("TD"); # ignore return
		redo MAIN;
	print "$fromhost: transferring $art\n" if $verbose >= 2;
	print "t" if $verbose == 1;
		$_ = &get("FD");
		last INNER if /^\.$/;
		# an initial period is doubled, but that's the way we want it
		redo INNER;
	$_ = &get("TD");
	unless(/^2/) {
		print "$fromhost: error at $art: $_" if $verbose >= 2;
		print "e" if $verbose == 1;
	redo MAIN;

print "\n" if $verbose == 1;
printf "%s: stats %d offered %d accepted %d rejected %d aborted %d failed\n",
	$fromhost, $arts, $arts-$rejects-$aborts-$errors, $rejects,
	$aborts, $errs;
@x = times;
printf "%s: times user %.1f system %.1f elapsed %.1f\n",
	$fromhost, $x[0], $x[1], time-$starttime;
exit 2 if $errs;
if ($stampfile) {
	unless (-e $stampfile) {
		open(S,">$stampfile") || die "Cannot create $stampfile ($!)";
	utime $starttime, $starttime, $stampfile ||
		die "Cannot utime $stampfile ($!)";
exit 0;

################################################## snip here

Just another Perl hacker and Usenet administrator,
/=Randal L. Schwartz, Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095 ==========\
| on contract to Intel's iWarp project, Beaverton, Oregon, USA, Sol III      |
| merlyn@iwarp.intel.com ...!any-MX-mailer-like-uunet!iwarp.intel.com!merlyn |
\=Cute Quote: "Welcome to Portland, Oregon, home of the California Raisins!"=/