[net.news.group] Juggling on the net

majka (11/30/82)

 Hello to all you jugglers out there!  It seems that 
 there are lots of us distributed around the net but             o
 most agree that  a net.juggle  newsgroup just would            o     o
 not have a raison d'etre. (reason for existence for               o
 you non-Canadians).  Thanks to those who mailed.  I              -
 will maintain a list of network jugglers, so if you          o -  \
 want to contact a juggler somewhere, or want to put           /  O |
 yourself on the list, MAIL me your name.                      ---+-/
 Not afraid to play with my balls (or to admit it)               / \ 
 Marc Majka                                                     /   \  
 ubc-vision!majka                                              -     -