[news.software.nntp] Question on ihave/sendme with nntp/Cnews

rdc30med@nmrdc1.nmrdc.nnmc.navy.mil (LCDR Michael E. Dobson) (07/26/90)

Hello all,

I am a very new NetNews administrator.  I have had Cnews running for a
little over a month (25-May-90 version) first via a uucp feed and for
the last several weeks with nntp (1.5.8).  I would like to forward postings
made by my users to my feed site(s) using nntp with ihave/sendme protocol.
The docs I have are a little fuzzy on how to do this.  Right now, it all 
still goes via the uucp links.  If anyone has a good go-by for what goes
in the sys & batchparams files, I would appreciate an e-mail copy.  I am
considering adding a vianntp script based on the nntpsend script for use
by newsbatch.  Is this the correct approach?

Thanks for any replies,

Mike Dobson, Sys Admin for      | Internet: rdc30med@nmrdc1.nmrdc.nnmc.navy.mil
nmrdc1.nmrdc.nnmc.navy.mil      | UUCP:   ...uunet!mimsy!nmrdc1!rdc30med
AT&T 3B2/600G Sys V R 3.2.2     | BITNET:   dobson@usuhsb.bitnet
WIN/TCP for 3B2                 | MCI-Mail: 377-2719 or 0003772719@mcimail.com